Daily Math Review May 9-13, 2011 Days
Monday Solve – M = B = – A = Y = A = A =.89 ARMT Practice: The table below shows the weight of different adult dogs. DogWeight Bull Dog22.6 lbs Lab48.7 lbs Golden41.9 lbs Chihuahua11.6 lbs Terrier32.9 lbs A. What is 1 possible list of dogs that weigh at least 60 pounds but not more than 80 pounds when weighed altogether? B. What is a different list of dogs that weigh at least 60 pounds but not more than 80 pounds when weighed altogether?
Tuesday 1. What is the perimeter of an equilateral triangle whose sides measure 4 in? 2-3. Find the perimeter and area of the following figure. 4ft 3ft 4. Find the perimeter of the figure. 5. Estimate the area of the figure in #4. 6. Estimate the area of the following.
Wednesday Look at the circle. What part of the circle is represented by line segment AB? Label a chord, and a diameter of this circle.
Thursday 1. Write in word form. 3,370, Write in expanded form. 2,207, Write in standard form. 5,000, , , = 3 4. Subtract. 3 1/3 – 2 ½ 5. Add. 6 7/8 + 3 ¾ 6. Subtract. 2 1/6 – 3/5