First, we need to work on place values; If we expand this out, we get.
Here's a bigger number: Expand it out: Line up the hundreds in the first stripe...Line up the tens in the second stripe... And line up the ones in the third stripe!
LET´S DO IT TOGETHER Expand these numbers out
Write the number in standard form Seven million six hundred fifty-one thousand = _____________ Three million eighty-five thousand = _____________ = ___________ Four million eight hundred two thousand = _______ = ____________
Place value is the value of a digit as determined by its position in a number.
TIME TO PLAY engine=9 engine=9
Write the numbers in the chart
Write the value and place of the underlined digit. 2,820,125 = ______ 68,273 = ______ 549,832,785,895= ______ 5555 = ______ 9,720,881,784 = ______ 48,650,895,859 = ______
1. What was the greatest place and value of the underlined digits? 2. How many zeros does a million have? 3. What is the place value you find after hundred- millions? 4. How many zeroes does a billion have? Answer…
Complete the chart…
PLACE VALUE CONTEST!!!!! Copyright © 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis