MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY Huan Truong Omer Demir Thy PhamNguyen Data Warehouse Project
Presentation 1 Define business problem
Business background Harley-Davidson – a brand that is admired by young and old alike Vital and growing enterprise Has consistently outpaced its own record performance in each of the past 20 years Compound annual growth rate for revenue and earnings have been better than 14% and 24%, respectively
Business Need Helping managers keep track of the sales of products at various dealers by given time Predicting crucial issues such as customers’ needs, preferences, emerging technologies and product quality
Dimensions & Fact Product Time Dealer Sales
Product table Product_ID (PK) Product_Line Product_Category Product_Name Product_Desc
Time table Time_ID Day Week Month Quarter Year
Dealer table Dealer_ID (PK) Dealer_Name Dealer_Region Dealer_State Dealer_City
Sales Fact table Order_ID (CPK) Product_ID (CPK) Dealer_ID (CPK) Time_ID (CPK) Units_Sold Sales_Amount
Star Schema
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