Baby Henry Young Henry
Catherine of Aragon Henry given permission from Pope to marry his brother’s widow Catherine failed to produce a male heir, only had one surviving child – Mary I
Henry wanted a divorce, but Pope Clement VII wouldn’t invalidate the marriage Henry tried to get Church to do what he wanted, and appointed Sir Thomas More as English Cardinal
More wouldn’t support the divorce Henry proceeded to dissolve his ties to the Pope ENGLISH REFORMATION – Henry VIII took control of the English clergy and had himself appointed the head of the Church of England He divorced Catherine and married his lover Anne Boleyn
The Act of Annantes 1532 Stopped all payment to the Catholic Church The Act of Appeals 1533 Ended Rome’s Religious hold on England The Act of Supremacy 1534 Made Henry VIII the head of the Church of England Executions Any subject who wouldn’t denounce the Catholic Church
ANNE BOLEYN Only had 1 surviving child – a daughter, Elizabeth I Henry upset at not having a son, accused Anne of incest and adultery Anne was brought to the Tower of London and executed
Legend had it she had a sixth finger and a large mole or goiter on her neck Anne’s sister Mary had been one of Henry’s earlier mistresses Just prior to her execution, Anne’s marriage to Henry was dissolved and considered invalid
JJANE SEYMOUR FFirst came to the court in the service of Queen Catherine, later she waited on Anne Boleyn as she rose to Queen HHenry felt she was his first “true wife” SShe died 2 weeks after giving birth to Henry’s only legitimate son – Edward OOnly one of the 6 wives buried with him.
ANNE OF CLEVES Henry was single for 2 years after Jane died Henry wanted a marriage for political reasons, to form an Alliance between English Protestants and German Protestants Hired a painter to find him a potential ally and paint the women who could make it possible – He chose Anne of Cleves She was so unattractive however, Henry divorced her – he called her “Flanders Mare”
The Painting by Hans Holbein the Younger. It was on the basis of this portrait that Henry VIII chose her to be his fourth Queen. Recent x-rays have revealed a longer nose under the top layer of paint, of this portrait of Anne, painted by Barthel Bruyn the Elder of Germany
KATHRYN HOWARD (cousin of Anne Boleyn) Married her only 16 days after his divorce to Anne – he was 49, she was 19 They were ill-matched, he was gaining a lot of weight, and had an ulcerated leg – she was his “rose without a thorn” Executed because he believed she had relations with another man before their marriage, which continued after their marriage
TThere is no known portrait that has ever been positively identified as Kathryn Howard. This miniature was identified as Kathryn in the 1840s, but has never been confirmed. TThey think its Kathryn, based on the necklace, which belonged to Jane Seymour. It would have been part of the “Queen’s Jewels.”
KATHERINE PARR Widowed twice before marrying Henry Became a stabilizing mother figure in home – to Mary, Elizabeth and Edward She outlived Henry – who died January 28, 1547 She married Jane Seymour’s bother Thomas after Henry’s death