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Peer Review Advisory Committee November 3, 2008 Review of Fellowship Applications Jane Steinberg, PhD Catherine Lewis, PhD
Charge to EAWG Fellowship Subcommittee Develop options for improving timeliness and reducing costs Develop options for improving timeliness and reducing costs Maintain expert and fair review Maintain expert and fair review Consistent quality of review across CSR and ICs Consistent quality of review across CSR and ICs Identify other problems specific to fellowships, such as timeliness of referral, review of project vs. candidate Identify other problems specific to fellowships, such as timeliness of referral, review of project vs. candidate
Extramural Activities Workgroup (EAWG) Fellowship Review Subcommittee George Chacko Nancy Desmond Hortencia Hornbeak Mary Kerr Henry Khachaturian Donald Schneider Brent Stanfield Melissa Stick Tracy Waldeck Yujing Liu
Guiding Principles High quality review High quality review Timeliness Timeliness Increased efficiency Increased efficiency Less burdensome for reviewers Less burdensome for reviewers Less resource intensive for NIH Less resource intensive for NIH Comparable review across NIH Comparable review across NIH
Process Identified fellowship review styles in use at NIH and/or piloted at NIH Identified fellowship review styles in use at NIH and/or piloted at NIH Members rated the 17 options generated according to the six guiding principles Members rated the 17 options generated according to the six guiding principles Consensus ratings formed the backbone of the committee’s recommendations Consensus ratings formed the backbone of the committee’s recommendations Draft recommendations presented to NIH committees Draft recommendations presented to NIH committees
Recommendations Emphasis on electronic format as technology improves Emphasis on electronic format as technology improves Use Internet Assisted Review (IAR) for Use Internet Assisted Review (IAR) for –Template for structuring reviews –Preliminary scores Virtual Meetings Preferred Virtual Meetings Preferred Web-Enhanced Telephone Conference Asynchronous Electronic Discussion (AED)
Recommendations Streamlining Streamlining Pilot some options All applicants receive summary statements with scores Unification of policies and procedures for the Fs in streamlining, receipt dates, and review practices Unification of policies and procedures for the Fs in streamlining, receipt dates, and review practices
Implementation Implementation Team is currently forming Implementation Team is currently forming Chair: Nancy Desmond (NIMH) Timeline: Implement changes to the review of fellowship applications with the April 2010 receipt date Timeline: Implement changes to the review of fellowship applications with the April 2010 receipt date