Chapter 6: The Phoenicians & Hebrews 1200 B.C. – 510 B.C.
Section 1: Phoenicians Came from small land that connected Mesopotamia & Egypt Known as Canaanites Phoenician – means purple merchants Came from Northern Canaan Most information we know comes from the Bible
Growth of Trade Rise of Phoenician Trade Effects Causes Control of Med. Trade Traveling workshops Plotted courses by sun & stars Exploration of new land Spread of culture Use of treaties to keep peace Causes Rise of Phoenician Trade Location along sea Scarcity of land to grow food Cedar forests to build ships
Cities of Phoenicia Each city was its own city-state b/c of isolation from mountains Money from trade caused jealousy among Largest cities: Tyre, Byblos, Beirut, Sidon
Led by Kings & Councils Skilled as carpenters, cabinetmakers, and metal workers Port = center of activity Important cloth-dying centers
Gods & Goddesses Believed in many nature gods Built temples Holy of holies – sacred chamber where image or stone was kept Believed in life after death Buried their dead in clay urns Embalmed & wrapped the body
Carthage – 814 BC Colonies (permanent settlements) turned into trading cities along Northern Africa Most famous: Carthage Dido from Tyre said to have built city
Phoenician Alphabet Used to keep records of trading Use of Pictures Hieroglyphics Canaan Writing Alphabet 22 Symbols or letters but no vowels Reader would know what vowel sound to put in Read from right to left Used to keep records of trading Brought to Europe where Greeks & Romans changed it.