Track4c Team 4 Phyo Wint Wint Tun Rosalind Ng
SWOT Analysis
Recommendations Revamp website
Recommendations Remove the extra navigations
Recommendations Add more navigations
Recommendations Change the Contents
Recommendations Online Container Tracking System Defines current position of the container on world map Determines port and time spent Relies on extracting real time data
Recommendations Hidden Security Module Mobile GPS/GSM positioning and communication module with alarm functions. Send commands via web portal GPRS to control the module Monitor the transports with heartbeat function with alarm when signal gets lost Low battery warning
Asia Entry Strategy Government Agencies in Asia Less developed economy countries in APEC with poorest container tracking technology Top-10-listed containerized cargo trading countries: China, Japan, South Korea
RANKEXPORTER2010 TEUS (MILLIONS) 1China31.3 2United States11.2 3Japan5.7 4South Korea5.2 5Taiwan, China3.4 6Thailand3.4 7Germany3.0 8Indonesia3.0 9Malaysia2.5 10Brazil2.3 RANKIMPORTER2010 TEUS (MILLIONS) 1United States17.6 2China12.0 3Japan6.1 4South Korea4.5 5Germany2.8 6Other Arabian Gulf2.7 7United Kingdom2.5 8Indonesia2.5 9Taiwan2.5 10Hong Kong2.5
Asia Entry Strategy RankShipping LineCountry 1Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK)Japan 2Evergreen Marine CorporationChina 3APLSingapore 4COSCOChina 5HanjinSouth Korean 6China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL)China Largest Shipping Lines in Asia
Summer Internship May – July 2013 Skills we have: Application Development Analyze Business Process Models Project Management Responsibilities: Revamping Website Developing strategy and solutions to entry of Asian Market
Summer Internship Geraldine Koon Minh Dang Phyo Wint Wint Rosalind Ng