ABC Countdown May 5-June 10 The last 26 days of school!
What is it? A countdown for the last 26 days of school Starts with letter A and ends with Z Each day will have a different word beginning with that particular letter. It may be a place, food, person, etc. from the Spanish-speaking world. A fun way to learn about Spanish culture! The last extra credit opportunity for 3 rd trimester!
How it works Each student will receive his/her own pad of ABC Countdown forms I will announce the word a day in advance during class so you can research it that night for the following day. It will also be posted on my webpage. We will discuss each word, look at pictures, and watch video clips as it relates to the Spanish culture.
How to receive credit Go home and research that particular word. Fill out the ABC Countdown form Each letter that you complete is worth ½ point of extra credit. You may receive a maximum of 5 points of extra credit for this assignment (10 letters). Any student that completes all 26 letters will receive a prize at the end!
Rules for receiving credit The ABC Countdown form must be entirely filled out and in complete sentences! Only the ABC Countdown forms that I give you are accepted. You may not submit post-it notes, notebook paper, etc. You MUST turn in the ABC Countdown form before 9:00 a.m. to receive credit. I will have an envelope on my door and will also be outside in the 4 th floor C-wing hallway from 8:45-9:00 with a large container. Any forms turned in after 9:00 a.m. WILL NOT be counted.
This is a fun way to end the school year! Take advantage of this cultural extra credit opportunity!