CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 1 Welcome to CHE 180: General College Chemistry II
CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 2 Instructor –Name: Mrs. Kaya Anne Kozanecki Muller –Office: SCI 200E –Phone: ; fax ( ) – –Social Media: –Web-site: –Office Hours: or by appointment. You may also come see me in the lab during lab classes in SCI 208 (protective eyewear is available in the lab). If you want to meet on-line, contact me to make arrangements. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday in office 10:30am – 3:30pm SCI 208 noon – 3:00pm Chemistry is fun!!
CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 3 A Little Bit About Me! Names I prefer: Kaya or Mrs. Muller Age: 40 (born 7/2/1974) Where I’m originally from: Springfield, IL Program or area of study: –A.S. – chemical engineering (LLCC) –B.S. – chemistry (UIUC) –M.S. – chemical education (Purdue) What I want to be “when I grow up”? –Good teacher & good parent
CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 4 What is it that I do best? –Good listener & Lots of patience What do I do in my spare time? –Play with sons, visit with husband, sleep, watch t.v., play video games, scrapbook, play violin at church Describe one unusual or significant experience. –Childbirth (two stories) –different perceptions of same situation What concerns you most as you start this course? –Always that I’ll be able to help my students learn the material!
My Family My husband, Chuck, and our sons Raymond, Anthony, and Joseph December 2007 Fall 2008 October 2009 Easter 2014 December 2010 December 2011 December 2012 Easter 2013 December 2013 November 2014 December 2014 November 2014 Christmas Eve 2014 CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 5
Raymond! March 27, 2004 March 28, 2005Fall 2006 March 2003 March 27, 2007 March 27, 2008 March 28, 2009 March 27, 2010 March 27, 2011 March 27, 2012 March 27, 2013 March 27, 2014 CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 6
CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 7 Anthony! July 2008 July 2007 July 4, 2009 July 4, 2010 July 4, 2011 July 4, 2012 July 4, 2013 July 4, 2014
August 2011 August 2012 Joseph! CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 8 8/24/13 8/24/14
A few notes…. Before Fall 2009, This course used to be known as CHE 107; it may still be referred to as such on some materials. The prerequisite for this course is (CHE 170 with a grade of C or better) and (College Algebra with C or better). If you do not meet this, you should drop the course! You will need to remember a lot of the material from CHE 170; we will only review some of it that you will need to be successful in this course. You will need a lot of study time for this class – an average of eight hours a week ! Learning is NOT a passive activity! Please utilize the services on our campus like the Math Lab’s free tutoring. You may think the homework assigned is excessive, but this material cannot be learned without adequate practice and most students spend an average of 40 hours on the homework over the semester (only 2.5 hours per week). CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 9
Does doing homework really matter? CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 10 Yes!!!
CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 11 A few more notes…. Be sure to read all of the things that have been distributed and to do all the assignments asked for! Remember to do everything listed on the First Day Assignments sheet. Let’s take a little on-line tour: –Blackboard: –Our Main Web-site: 180/che180index.htm 180/che180index.htm –MasteringChemistry: –Social Media:
One last thought…. First let’s watch a video… Now, after watching this brief video are you ready to compete? No! And so it is with chemistry. You can not expect yourself to do well on exams if you only watch your instructor do the work. Just like with sports, to do well, practice time must be spent! Proper practice makes perfect! I know you feel a little overwhelmed, maybe like this video shows? But we can do it! CHE 180 Welcome Packet - 12