Ceramics 1: Tools & Textures
Tools There are 12 major tools you will be using through out the semester. All tools are to be used in a safe, and professional manor. All tools are to be cleaned and put away at the end of every period. You will be graded on the proper use of and cleaning of your tools.
Wire Tool
Pin Tool (Needle Tool)
Metal Kidney Tool
Rubber Kidney Tool
Wooden Rib Tool
Wooden Modeling Tools
Ribbon Tool: Metal and Wooden
Scoring Tool
Fettling Knife
Lace Tool
(Dragon Fish) Scale Tool
Other tools…
5 Major Decoration Techniques: -Incising: Cutting designs into the clay. -Impressing: Stamping designs into the clay. -Carving: Carving designs out of the clay. -Additive: Attaching clay to clay. -Piercing: Cutting out/Poking holes through the clay.
Examples of Pierced Designs:
Examples of Additive Designs:
Examples of Carving Designs:
Examples of Impressing Designs:
Examples of Incised Designs:
More Incised Designs:
Pinch Pot – Incised Designs:
Wedging Clay: -Prepares clay for working. -Removes air bubbles from clay.
Air Bubbles In Clay: -Air expands when it is heated. -Without anywhere to go, the air expands in the clay and causes the clay to explode.
Today you will… -Practice wedging old clay -Roll out clay into large slabs -Practice using the various tools to create incised designs that you will use on your pinch pots.