Banding wheel – A round turntable on which hand built pottery may be constructed or on which forms are decorated or glazed. Burnishing – Rubbing a moist or leather hard piece of clay with a smooth pebble or steel tool to polish the surface.
Ceramic – The art and science of forming objects from earthy material containing silica with the aid of high heat. Clay – A plastic body consisting of fine particles of decomposed granite or other feldspathic rock.
Grog – Ground bisqued clay that is added to clay to reduce shrinkage and warping and to add texture. Raku – A pottery method developed in Japan that uses high fire grogged clay, low fire glazes, rapid firing and cooling process.
Slip trailing – A method in which slip is trailed over a leather hard piece of clay in much the same manner as decorating a cake. Throwing – To make pottery by hand on a potters wheel.