A caste is similar to class ◦ Affects the work you do ◦ Affects the resources you have ◦ Part of your identity Someone is born into a caste; you cannot change your caste. The Hindu caste system is called varna It still persists in India today.
When the Aryans conquered the Dravidians, castes developed to keep the Aryans in power. From the Vedas: “When they divided Man…His mouth became the Brahmin, his arms were made the Warrior, his thighs the People, and from his feet the Servants were born.”
No. If you are born into a caste, it is your caste for life. Hindus believe in reincarnation: you must wait for your next life to be in a different caste.
There are five main castes: ◦ Brahmin, or priest is the highest caste (mouth) ◦ Shatriyas, warriors and rulers (arms) ◦ Vaishyas, skilled workers and farmers (thighs) ◦ Shudras, servants (feet) ◦ Pariahs, untouchables Marriages between people of a different caste created jatis, subdivisions of castes. There are now thousands of castes.
Your caste is part of your dharma – it’s your role in life. If you are in a low caste but are good, then you get good karma, and will be reborn in a higher caste. ◦ So, if you were in a low caste, would you complain or rebel? If you are in a high caste but are not good, you have bad karma, and will be reborn as a lower caste.
Please use the graphic organizer to answer one of these two questions: ◦ Why might people support the caste system? ◦ Why might people not support the caste system? Please use evidence from the text. Your thesis statement: People support (or do not support) the caste system because [your three examples].
Thanks for working quietly (finally!). If you keep it up for the rest of the period, we can totally listen to music the next time we’re writing (next week.) Yes, you can lose that privilege…but I know you can do it!