Webcast November 7,
Agency Updates Intervention Tab Preliminary Data Progress on PPGES Site Visit Tool Program Review Audit Update
ISN Survey XR8K6
Arts and Social Studies Standards Timeline Nov. 3– Dec. 5 : Additional public comment Dec./Jan. 4 – Review public comment and revise Feb – Take reg. back to the KBE for 1 st read Feb – April Continued revision, if needed, and development of sample curriculum materials April 2015 – KBE for final approval for reg. May 2015 – Official regulatory public comment period June 2015 – If public comment, back to KBE with Statement of Consideration. If no public comment, file reg. with legislature for review
Public Review of Social Studies To provide feedback on the draft Social Studies Standards, please use this link: Spublic
Public Review of Arts Standards You may select to review the draft Arts Standards for only one of the ‘forms’ -- or all of them. The links are listed below. For Visual Arts: For Music: For Theatre: For Media Arts: For Dance:
Global Competency Launch and Learn Recipients: Campbell County: Campbell Ridge Elementary, Crossroad Elementary, Donald Cline Elementary, Grant's Lick Elementary, John W. Reiley Elementary, Campbell Middle McCracken County: Heath Middle, Heath Elementary, Concord Elementary Webster County: Webster County Middle and Sebree, Clay, Dixon, and Providence Elementary Schools
Global Education Checklist Are you interested in assessing the current level of ‘Global Competence’ in your district? mp/Pages/default.aspx
PGES and SGP Median Who receives SGPM? All teachers and contributing professionals who are working with students in grades 4 through 8 in reading and/or mathematics How calculated? Students assigned to teachers in Infinite Campus are combined together if they meet attribution requirements. To be attributable to a teacher, the teacher must have had the student on the roster in Infinite Campus for a reading/English/language arts or mathematics course at least 100 days during the year.
More about SGP Median Score.. What do SGPs measure? Change in an individual student’s performance over time compared to his/her academic peers (i.e. other students in the state with a similar test score history). The rate of change, or growth, is expressed as a percentile. For more information about how SGP Median Scores are calculated, please visit the TPGES Student Growth Percentile Medians page which includes an FAQ and a Power Point.TPGES Student Growth Percentile Medians pageFAQPower Point