Geography Influences History/ migration pattern in many, many, many ways ! BERINGIA LANDBRIDGE Geographic Features influence Migration ! Some HELP……… like the “land bridge” that allowed people to migrate to the Americas from Asia
Spatial Diffusion = spread of disease, food, language, Etc With the Columbian Exchange, many, many, many new things were introduced to the “New” and “Old” World
4 Objectives: What are the economic and cultural regions of Mexico? What challenges face Mexico? Section 3 Mexico Today
5 Mexico’s regions: Greater Mexico City—cultural, economic, political center Central Mexico—fertile farm area; second city, Guadalajara Gulf lowlands—hot and humid; economy based on farming, ranching, oil production Southern Mexico—Yucatán and Chiapas highlands; Mayan areas, subsistence farming Northern Mexico—more prosperous; commercial agriculture, industry centered in Monterrey Section 3 Mexico Today
6 Mexico’s challenges: economic inequality—few rich, many poor; promotes instability, migration crime—drug-related corruption and violence limit national progress infrastructure—social and economic advance hindered by poor water, sewer, transport Section 3 Mexico Today
7 Objectives: How does Central America’s history continue to shape the region today? What economic, political, and social conditions exist in the region? Section 2 Central America
8 Effects of history on Central America: tradition of wealth concentrated in few families continued importance of Roman Catholic Church Spanish language (except in former British colony of Belize) population mainly mixed-race mestizos and mulattoes Section 2 Central America
9 Economic, political, and social conditions: commercial export agriculture, with strong foreign influence powerful families control society, government, military widespread poverty and inequality—cause emigration, unrest. El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala—violence, civil war Honduras—poorest country; rough terrain, lack of development Panama—variety of conditions; wilderness jungle to modern industry Costa Rica—greatest stability, highest standard of living. Section 2 Central America
10 Objectives: What are some important events in the history of the Caribbean? What cultural and population patterns are found in the region? What activities support the economies of the Caribbean countries? Section 3 The Caribbean
11 Important events in Caribbean history: Columbus’s arrival in 1492 began Spanish colonization. British, Dutch, and French competed for control. Europeans create plantations based on slave labor. Haiti gained independence in U.S. took Cuba and Puerto Rico from Spain in Spanish-American War of Many Caribbean islands remained colonies until mid-1900s. Section 3 The Caribbean
12 Cultural and population patterns: population—mainly Europeans and African descendants Asian immigrants—influence in some countries (Trinidad and Tobago) language—based on colonial history (Spanish, English, French, Dutch) religion—Catholic, Protestant, African beliefs, Hinduism, Islam. rapid population growth—produces unemployment, emigration, urbanization. Section 3 The Caribbean
13 Economic activities: Except for Cuba, market economies dominate the region. Agricultural exports are the key activity: sugar, bananas, cacao, citrus, spices. Mining is important in some countries. Puerto Rico has developed industry based on U.S. policies. Tourism is important throughout the region. Section 3 The Caribbean
14 Objectives: What were some important events in the early history of South America? How did the colonial era and independence affect South America? What are some important features of South America’s cultures? Section 2 History and Culture
15 Early history: First inhabitants arrived more than 12,000 years ago. Various early civilizations arose, including the Chibcha of Colombia Inca civilization spanned much of Andean region. Spanish conquered the Inca in the 1530s. Spain and Portugal divided the continent: Spain in the west, Portugal in the east. Colonists brought new plants, animals, and diseases. Portuguese brought slave labor to Brazil to work sugar plantations. Section 2 History and Culture
16 Effects of the colonial era and independence: After independence (1810–1830), new nations were still ruled by wealthy elite. Countries remained isolated from each other. Borders mirrored colonial divisions. Life for most people changed little after independence. Governments often changed through violent coups. Section 2 History and Culture
17 Cultural features: great ethnic variety—mixed-race, European, American Indian, African, east Indian, Japanese language—reflects colonization; Indian languages still spoken religion—majority Roman Catholic; also Hinduism, Islam, other religions traditional culture, despite change Section 2 History and Culture
18 Objectives: What is the economy of South America like today? What are South American cities like? What issues and challenges face the people of South America? Section 3 South America Today
19 Economy: developing or middle-income nations agriculture—ranges from subsistence to large- scale commercial industry—including products for local market and export manufactures Mercosur—effort to expand trade and cooperation Section 3 South America Today
20 Urban environments: Major cities are huge compared with other cities. Urban life is often hard for rural migrants. many large slums Section 3 South America Today
21 Issues and challenges: reducing poverty high birthrates environmental problems—rain forest destruction, soil exhaustion political disputes over borders and resources violence and terrorism, often linked to drug trade Section 3 South America Today