Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members EMITA going forward Donald van der Merwe Intevexis Sunday, 15 November 2015
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Agenda Objectives Aims & Objectives for EMITA Value Proposition Stages of Growth Outline Business Plan Organisational Framework Starting the process Summary Questions
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Objectives To review what we said we wanted from an IT association and what the long-term vision is for EMITA To explain how we go about this, what needs to happen, and when it needs to happen …and start the process
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Aims & Objectives for EMITA Generate business and improve standards for our members Build a strong “value proposition” for our members Be recognised as the primary representative organisation for IT businesses across the region
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Value Proposition Feedback Summarised… A referral network with access to wider audience of contacts and companies Review of members activities and collaboration opportunities Develop new business – new prospects, leads, and opportunities Heads up on new technology, innovations, & products - developing new markets Education, training, and standardising on best practice Evaluation, rating, quality improvement, and accreditation Business support on key issues such as accountancy, legal aspects. Lobbying other agencies – a collective voice for IT in the East Midlands. Extending spheres of influence & promoting a positive image GROWTH IMPROVEMENT INFLUENCE
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Value Proposition Feedback Summarised… GROWTH IMPROVEMENT INFLUENCE DELIVERING FOR OUR MEMBERS
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Stages of Growth Creating the need for the organisation Short-term: next 3-6 months Establishing the organisation Short-term: next 3-6 months Developing the organisation Medium-term: next 6-12 months Growing the organisation Long-term: next 9-18 months Ongoing development & growth Long-term: ongoing and beyond months 12-18
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Stages of Growth Creating the need for the organisation Short-term: next 3-6 months Overview: Activities include organising and promoting events and promoting the East Midlands IT Association itself. Key Objective: establish & prove the model to raise required funding Measures: by number of enquiries & attendees to events; and by the referrals & successful networking of attendees
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Stages of Growth Establishing the organisation Short-term: next 3-6 months Overview: Activities include formally establishing the association and its framework; organisational structures, responsibilities; and business plan Key Objective: establish required committees to begin implementing agreed plans Measures: by number of members joining; and successful appointment of committee members
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Outline Business Plan General Introduction, Aims & Objectives, Strategy, & Direction Value Proposition Key benefits of membership, partners, sponsors, & other spheres of influence Programme Development Programmes, events, & training Member Development Member communication and recruitment Marketing Marketing, Communications, PR, Website, & Portal Finance & Administration Budgets, Funding, & Fee’s Board Member Roles
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Organisational Framework Memorandum & Articles of Association The constitution that outlines the activities of the organisation, the way it is managed, conducts meetings, etc. Executive Board The affairs of the organisation shall be directed by the executive board of which there will be at least 5 members, (each responsible for a key area of the organisation) and a Chairman (external) Committees and Panels The Executive Board may establish and maintain committees, sub- committees, project groups, and panels as necessary to fulfil matters delegated to them (including regional or special interest)
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Starting the Process Developing business leads & opportunities for members activities for developing, promoting, & generation of leads Handling business leads & enquiries internal framework, policies, & procedures of leads Value proposition prioritising the feedback and activities the board should focus on Membership benefits, recruitment, & advertising strategies Stages of growth what are the key activities that should be focused on
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Summary Growth - network, collaboration opportunities, new business & new markets Improvement - education, training, quality, accreditation, & support Influence - lobbying, spheres of influence, & positive image Stage of Growth - defining the overall context [crawl, walk, run] Outline Business Plan - focus on establishing the organisation Organisational Framework – roles, responsibilities, & people …and starting the process - have you chosen your workshop ?
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Questions Thank You Donald van der Merwe Intevexis
Delivering growth, improvement, & influence for our members Workshops Developing business leads & opportunities for members activities for developing, promoting, & generation of leads Handling business leads & enquiries internal framework, policies, & procedures of leads Value proposition prioritising the feedback and activities the board should focus on Membership benefits, recruitment, & advertising strategies Stages of growth what stages and activities should be focused on (or provide feedback)