ESTAT 2012 ESSnet Workshop Session 2 Shared services Christine WIRTZ Eurostat Head of Unit "IT for statistical production" Rome, 3 December 2012
ESTAT Scope and objectives The ESS-VIP cross cutting project "SHARED SERVICES" aims at putting in place an architecture and related governance allowing for sharing of services across processes and among partners (the ESS). 2
ESTAT R ELATION WITH ESS VIP PROJECTS Business (domain oriented) ESS VIPs foresee development of one or several service(s) to be shared in the ESS 3 ADMINShared IT solutions for some of the methodological building blocks NAPS-SESS NA services, e.g. content validation and seasonal adjustment ESBRs Development of e-ServicesSIMSTAT Other corporate-software functionalityICTShared services ValidationValidation solutions and other related IT services
ESTAT Links with other cross-cutting projects 4 NetworksInformation ModelsData warehousesValidation architecture GovernanceHuman resourcesFinancial resources and cost sharing Communication Technical General R ELATION WITH ESS VIP PROJECTS
ESTAT Common reference environment (CORE) Methodology for modern Business Statistics (Memobust) Harmonisation of statistical disclosure control (SDC) Multimode data collection (DCSS) SDMX... ESSnets Census HUB, EGR, … VIP SICON, VIP Validation, VIP NAPS2, VIP EDC, … Ongoing flagship projects and VIPs: Harmonisation of seasonal adjustment Sharing Advisory board Modernisation of production of statistics … Other initiatives Link with previous projects / other initiatives 5
ESTAT Common approach (technology, methodology) required ensuring economy of scales, integration, reusability and reuse of services. The way to develop an ESS framework for building such services, and a platform for sharing services should be elaborated. The potential for centres of excellence for sharing statistical services should be evaluated. This will include the full scale of governance aspects (ownership, training, maintenance, support, …). Proposed approach 6
ESTAT Requirements established by ESS VIP business projects Initiatives in several Member States have already started and some are well advanced Some Member States ask for sharing / reuse International initiatives: HLG on Modernising Production of Statistics; Sharing Advisory Board Maturity 7
ESTAT Next steps As requested by the ESSC meeting in 11/2012, the business case for the ESS cross-cutting project "Shared services" needs to be further elaborated. This more elaborated business case will then be forwarded to the appropriate decision making body.