Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Co-ordinated by #APARSEN Issues in preparedness for sustainable digital preservation: the case of European research libraries Susan Reilly,
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Overview Why SUSTAINABILITY Context for research libraries Exploring issues in sustainability for DP Going forward
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Why sustainability Sustainability is at the core of the APARSEN concept Identified as a need for record of science: "A general policy framework, including sustainable custody and funding/business models, needs to be established by the key stakeholders in science and science information and national and EU policymakers. The aim is to establish the roles and responsibilities in building a European Digital Information Infrastructure that allows the access and re-use of research data and ensures their long term preservation.“
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Why sustainability? “sustainable economics for digital preservation is not just about finding more funds. It is about building an economic activity firmly rooted in a compelling value proposition, clear incentives to act, and well-defined preservation roles and responsibilities”
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Why research libraries? Step 1: Ascertain the readiness of European countries to undertake economically- sustainable digital preservation across Europe
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Why research libraries? We know that… 1.Libraries are engaging in mass digitisation projects 2.Deposit of born digital content being legislated for 3.Some are collecting born digital (Websites, e-journal etc) anyway 4.Responsible for institutional repositories 5.Developing role in research data management
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Criteria for sustainable DP We don’t know if… –Recognition of the benefits of digital preservation by key decision-makers –Incentives for the decision-makers to act in the public interest –A process for selecting digital materials for long- term preservation –Mechanisms to secure an on-going, efficient allocation of resources to digital preservation activities –Appropriate governance of digital preservation activities
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Do we meet the criteria? We asked LIBER members (400+research libraries) about their digital preservation activity with the aim of establishing if we met the criteria for sustainable digital preservation…
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Methodology
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Drivers & Benefits
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Incentives Mandate first step?
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Selection Seems to indicate there is no selection process/set of critieria
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Resource allocation Lack of human resources/skills Incomplete cost models Business models may not meet short term needs Open to new revenue streams and shared services
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Findings so far: governance 57% of organisations have incorporated DP in strategy 49% in mission and vision ? But 89% rate DP as important?!
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Take aways Access a clear value proposition Further work to be done to promote DP to decision makers New revenue streams may be required on a greater scale than currently for sustainable DP Idea of collaboration/cooperation between organisations with resources and know-how in DP is gaining ground
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Business cases: some emerging patterns -mutually reinforcing relationship between research and practice (operations) -case for digital replacing physical -integration of workflows -international collaboration -clear idea of user needs
Susan Reilly (LIBER) Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Implication for common vision and VCoE Evidence based advisory services to VCoE members and others on understanding of the validity and applicability of the various models which are available. Provide material needed for training about costs and business models case studies Contributes to the Common Vision by providing an understanding of drivers for DP #APARSEN Network of Excellence