Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program Caryn Rea Environmental Studies Lead ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. January 23, 2009 Environmental Studies Baseline Program Chukchi Sea, 2008
Summary of Major Program Components Activity Goal Obtain adequate environmental baseline data for NEPA documents in support of permitting approvals Add to the scientific knowledge base on the marine ecosystem of the Chukchi Sea
Offshore Environmental Studies Baseline Program 2008 Major Elements Two primary study areas Marine Mammal Surveys-J. Bruggeman/Canyon Creek Consulting Seabird Surveys-Dr. Bob Day/ABR Contaminants-Battelle/Exponent Includes old drillsites Physical Oceanography-Dr. T. Weingartner/UAF Biological Oceanography- Dr. Arny Blanchard/UAF; Dr. Russ Hopcroft/UAF Acoustics- Dr. Chris Clark/Cornell Local residents on Team Desired Outcome Provide data that can advance the state of scientific knowledge on baseline conditions in the Chukchi Sea Obtain permits to drill
Program Status & Accomplishments Chukchi Sea OCS Leases acquired February 2008 Field Work Conducted mid-July to mid-Oct Zero Safety Incidents Data Analysis Ongoing Reporting Complete 3Q, 2009 Planning underway for 2009 Program
Preliminary Preliminary Results from 2008 Marine Mammal Observations Pacific Walrus Sightings > 900 Polar Bear Sightings - 8 Ribbon Seals – 5 Bearded Seals – 115 Bowhead Whales – 1 Gray Whales – 21 Killer Whales – 9 Seabird Observations Approx. 30 species recorded Murres abundant at beginning of survey (July) Crested Auklets abundant in late summer/fall YBLOs in late August/early Sept Eiders & LTDU nearshore late summer Thousands of STSW in September Ross’s gulls migration to the soutwest in October Data are not final and should only be used for general discussion purposes
Proposed Future Program – Chukchi Sea Seabird Surveys Mammal Surveys Physical Oceanography Biological Oceanography Acoustics Monitoring Contaminants (not confirmed) Coordinate with MMS COMIDA project to collect contaminants samples (sediment/biota) in a % of 2008 locations
Challenges Ice cover Remote location Harsh weather conditions No infrastructure support No comprehensive Studies Plan for Chukchi Sea OCS
Collaboration Opportunities Minerals Management Service COMIDA program National Marine Fisheries Service, AK Beluga Whale Committee, NSB, Kotz IRA Arctic Beluga Whale tagging Ice Seal tagging US Fish and Wildlife Service Chukchi Sea Polar Bear Studies Pacific Walrus Tagging Studies
Summary Continue with baseline studies program Engage with communities and involve locals to obtain traditional knowledge Engage with multi- stakeholder group to leverage resources Leverage funding and knowledge with others