12/2/2010 Plan for the day! Take the first 5 minutes of class to study for the vocab quiz. Take the vocab quiz Journal Discuss Essay Begin working on SATDO chart Make up the DAC if you weren’t here yesterday! Reminders! Today is the last day to turn in your book to me! (After 2:50 today--- it is between you, your AP and the God of your choice) If you KNOW you are missing work you MUST make it up by Friday afternoon. Ch Reading Quiz Ch Vocab Quiz Ch. 4-6 Reading/ Vocab Quiz
Journal/ Pre-Write In the novel Lord of the Flies Golding presents two themes Civilization vs Savagery and Loss of Innocence. Which theme do you think is more important in the novel? Why that theme over the other? Which do you think would harder for the boys to get back, their innocence or their civilizing instinct?
Character Analysis AKA: Reading way more into the work than the author EVER intended!
Fun Fact: Mark Twain You know the man who looks like Coronal Sanders? This was written on the first page of his novel… Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. Forgive us Mr. Twain…
The Prompt (or the purpose of my rambling power points) You will write a character analysis on one of the characters from Lord of the Flies. Character analysis is a fancy name for an essay that explains who the character is or why he/ she did something specific. You will pick a character and show how they demonstrate one of the themes. Civilization vs Savagery Loss of Innocence So pick a character: Jack, Piggy, Ralph or Simon And pick which theme they BEST embody: Civilization vs Savagery Loss of Innocence
Now that you have your character and theme … (and absolutely NO desire to write this paper) You will fill out your SATDO chart to help you find textual evidence or PROOF that your character EMBODIES (represents) the theme you picked. SATDO is an acronym that helps you find character traits for your character by what the character: Says Appears Thinks Do Others think of the character
Pre-Write: SATDO Chart 2 Quotes & Page #’s from the Reading Character Trait A T D S O
12/3/2010 Come in and sit down. HAPPY FRIDAY! Get out your SATDO chart
SATDO= Way to go! Now that your SATDO chart is completed you will begin to “flesh out” your essay. Remember an essay is like a map and I need instructions of where I am going. So what is the first thing you need for your essay? Remember research---what was the most important thing in your paper?
A THESIS! Tell them what they have won Bo…You all have won a readable essay and a passing grade!!!! WOOOO! Remember your character analysis has to address 2 things from Lord of the Flies, what are they? Character! (Simon, Ralph, Jack OR Piggy) Theme (Civilization vs Savagery OR Loss of Innocence)
Creating your Thesis From the traits you found on your SATDO chart and the quotes, which ones help prove the theme you chose? EX: Through the character of Roger, with his cruel actions and threatening appearance, Golding builds the theme of civilization vs savagery. Character= Roger Traits= threatening appearance & cruel actions Theme= Civilization vs Savagery I am going to prove the theme by using quotes that show these traits.
Quotes! That’s what they said… So I need quotes that not only prove the traits but also help to prove my theme. Trait # 1: cruel nature Quote 1: “Roger stooped, picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry…” (62). Quote 2: “High over-head, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever” (180). Trait # 2: threatening appearance Quote 1: “…kept to himself with an inner intensity and secrecy” (22). Quote 2: “…seemed to suit his gloomy face and made what had seemed at first an unsociable remoteness into something forbidding” (60).
12/6/2010 Plan for the day! Copy down calendar Discuss how to format full character analysis. Write your rough draft for character analysis MUST TURN IN WHAT YOU WRITE TODAY! Remember: You will write your final draft tomorrow (Tuesday) in class. Next week is exam week…break out the calculators (to see what you need to get your “perfect” grade) and the books…to ya know study and stuff.
Format of the paper Intro. 2 Body paragraphs Conclusion
Intro. (this is cake compared to research) Attention getter Quote from the story Rhetorical question Basic info. Name the work, the author and a VERY BASIC description of the novel. Thesis. You should already have this written and checked it with me…
Intro example: Broken down to his most basic nature is man good or evil? In William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies this idea is explored when young boys are stranded on a deserted island and their true personalities emerge. Through the character of Roger, with his cruel actions and threatening appearance, Golding builds the theme of civilization vs savagery.
Body Paragraphs Like the research paper you need: Topic sentence Integrated quote with citation (just the page # from LOTF) 1 sentence of commentary for each Concluding sentence
Total Body Paragraph Topic Sentence: 1 of your 2 traits Integrated quote: with page # Commentary: relates quote to theme Integrated Quote: with page # Commentary: relates quote to theme Conclusion: Sums up paragraph
Commentary: Making it NOT suck This is the place where you explain how your trait and your quote relate to the theme. At the beginning of the novel the reader begins to see the violent nature of Roger emerge as he “…stooped, picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry…” (62). Roger enjoys the act of almost hurting another human, however the idea of rules are still present because Roger cannot bring himself to actually hit Henry. As the novel progresses Roger becomes the epitome of violence when he, “with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever” and loosens a rock that falls on Piggy and kills him (180). Roger has lost all sense of his civilized self and completely gives into his savage impulses. Integrated quote! Commentary
Conclusion Sum up the point of your paper. Make your points again Restate thesis and make it final. Ex: Golding’s theme of civilization vs savagery is presented through Roger’s brutal personality and menacing appearance. Golding asks the question of man’s morality and through the character of Roger the reader gets Golding’s answer: Man at his most primal degree will always choose the darkside. Dorky Star Wars reference