The Lexile Framework for Reading
Why the Lexile? Governor Kaine states that a Lexile number will be on all reading SOL reports sent home to parents. Mark Allan – V.D.O.E. “Main intent is a resource for parents.” “Teachers need to know how to help parents in not only understanding what the Lexile number means, but also in helping parents find Lexiled books for their children.” --Common measure across the state. --Research is strong.
The Lexile Framework What it IS: An educational tool that links texts and readers using a common measure, the Lexile. A device to differentiate instruction A commonly used reading measure Can be used to measure growth What it is NOT: A reading program A test or method of assessment Educational software
A Lexile (L) is a measure of both text difficulty and student reading comprehension, on the same scale. A book’s Lexile measure is its reading difficulty. A student’s Lexile measure is her/his reading level. 660L **Both student and text measure is denoted by a number followed by an “L”
Determining Lexiles ( The Lexile scale ranges from 0 - 2,000L ) For Text Based on two predictors: 1. Syntactic complexity (sentence length) 2. Semantic difficulty (word frequency) Does not take into account text content, support, age- appropriateness, or quality The single number represents a RANGE of scores. For Readers Will accompany 2009 SOL reading scores Conversion chart for SOL/Lexile Relationship Does not take into account reader’s motivation, or background knowledge
Reading Comprehension Independent Level Text 100L below Instructional Level Text within Lexile Range Frustration Level Text 100L above
We include Lexile information along with our summer reading recommendations. We DO NOT begin to Lexile all of our books. The Lexile is just a resource for parents and to encourage independent reading. The County Has Asked
Summer Reading Summer Quest Bring a Book, Take a Book Online Lexile reading lists 100 Below SOL Lexile score to 50 above (check off “Juvenile” when searching for books)