MEAP / MME New Cut Scores Gill Elementary February 2012
Meaning of a Cut Score A “cut score” is the lowest score a student can achieve on a test (or multiple tests) to be considered “proficient” or “passing” at their respective grade level A cut score on a test is the score that separates test takers into various categories, such as advanced proficient, proficient, partially proficient and not proficient
The New MEAP/MME Cut Scores New cut scores approved by State Board of Education in Sept New cut scores approved by State Board of Education in Sept New cut scores in effect for tests New cut scores in effect for tests What is different? What is different? 1.They did not use standard setting panels, which is how nearly all other previous cut scores were set. 2.The new method was purely statistical, they linked 11 th grade MME scores to college grades and then linked grades 3-9 MEAP to those MME scores.
Cut Score Study MDE conducted a special study using: –Michigan students’ MME scores, and –First semester freshman grades in Fall 2010 in selected non-remedial courses at Michigan post-secondary public institutions Twenty-two 4-year colleges Twenty-two 4-year colleges Fifteen 2-year institutions Fifteen 2-year institutions –Then the MME scores were linked to the MME scores.
5 The grades being predicted are often being given by graduate teaching assistants whose knowledge about grading may vary. The “social science” courses are a variety of the courses. There are large differences in the grading practices and student populations among colleges (and community colleges). 75% of the variation in college grades cannot be predicted by ACT scores. Considerations with Prediction Data
“ Advanced” is now defined as having a 2 in 3 or greater chance of earning an A or B in college (or being proficient on the next grade level test). “ Advanced” is now defined as having a 2 in 3 or greater chance of earning an A or B in college (or being proficient on the next grade level test). “Proficient” is now defined as having a 1 in 2 to 2 in 3 chance of earning an A or B in college (or being proficient on the next grade level test). “Proficient” is now defined as having a 1 in 2 to 2 in 3 chance of earning an A or B in college (or being proficient on the next grade level test). “Partially Proficient” is now defined as having a 1 in 3 to 1 in 2 chance of earning an A or B in college (or being proficient on the next grade level test). “Partially Proficient” is now defined as having a 1 in 3 to 1 in 2 chance of earning an A or B in college (or being proficient on the next grade level test). “Not Proficient” is now defined as having less than a 1 in 3 chance of earning an A or B in college (or being proficient on the next grade level test). “Not Proficient” is now defined as having less than a 1 in 3 chance of earning an A or B in college (or being proficient on the next grade level test).
Cut Score Video
Impact of Cut Score Changes In the short term… Fewer students will be deemed “proficient” on state tests This may result in some criticism of schools’ past efforts or previous standards New scores will more closely align with our local assessments
Impact of Cut Score Changes In the long term… Higher standards will likely result in improved achievement over time Michigan schools and students will be better prepared for transition to common state standards and assessments, scheduled for implementation in
Scale Score Distribution Drops in proficiency may be attributed to how many students fall in the “just made it” category. Drops in proficiency may be attributed to how many students fall in the “just made it” category. Those students who were proficient in previous years are now designated partially proficient. Those students who were proficient in previous years are now designated partially proficient.
State=62 State=36
State=68 State=40 State=45
3 rd Grade Math Old to New Cut Scores
4 th Grade Math Old to New Cut Scores
3 rd Grade Reading Old to New Cut Scores
4 th Grade Reading Old to New Cut Scores
4 th Grade Writing – New Test Was Based on New Cut Scores
5 th Grade Science Old to New Cut Scores
Michigan AYP Targets for – Percent Proficient (Including Subgroups) GradeReadingMathematics 3rd86%83% 4th85%82% 5th84%81% 6th83%80% 7th82%78% 8th82%77% 11th86%78% Projected Targets for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Are the Annual Measurable Outcomes ambitious enough? New cut scores - standard for proficiency is much higher. New cut scores - standard for proficiency is much higher. Almost no school in Michigan is above 85% on the new cut scores. Almost no school in Michigan is above 85% on the new cut scores. (“Maybe not even one school.” ) 85% is an interim goal; 100% is still the ultimate goal. 85% is an interim goal; 100% is still the ultimate goal. Dr. Venessa Keesler, Office of Psychometrics, Accountability, Research and Evaluation
What is the Future of Statewide Testing in Michigan? Michigan adopted the Common Core State Standards in June 2010 Michigan adopted the Common Core State Standards in June 2010 These standards are shared with 43 states These standards are shared with 43 states The new end of year assessment will replace the MEAP/MME in the Spring of 2015 The new end of year assessment will replace the MEAP/MME in the Spring of 2015 There will be more changes both in the administration (on-line) and reporting (comparison across states) in the future There will be more changes both in the administration (on-line) and reporting (comparison across states) in the future
Efforts to Meet New Standards Use of National Assessments aligned to standards for monitoring progress and growth Use Iowa Assessments along with ACT Explore and Plan as predictors for College Readiness to adjust instruction
Efforts to Meet New Standards (continued) Identification of students and areas for needed support Use of interventions for identified students Professional development for staff focusing on strategies identified in the school improvement process School Goals Summary on the Wiki