Scholarship & College Information
Seniors interested in applying to a Military Service Academy *Application Information & Nomination Packets are available in counseling office due Sept. 18 th
Discover Duke Brookwood High Sept 7pm *Information on the counseling bulletin board South Atlanta High Sept 7pm
College Road Trip! Sept *visit counseling office for info No out of state fees!
at Hampton High School Monday, October 6 th 6-8 PM in the commons COLLEGE FAIR
Deadline Thursday, Oct. 15th Awards of up to $3,000 Attention SENIORS of HISPANIC Descent
Coca-Cola Scholarship Program Deadline: October 31 st 150 Scholarships for $20,000 Description: SENIORS with a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year Check website for details
A program celebrating high achieving minority students interested in environmental science majors. It will be on Wednesday, Dec 2 nd Contact the counseling office before NOV 20 th A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded at the program
Scholarship for Christian Student Athletes! Accepting Applications: NOW - February 1,