The Process of Accreditation Steps for Initial and Continuing Accreditation
Required Materials Guide to Accreditation
Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this instructional unit and review of additional resources, the learner will be able to List and briefly describe 5 general steps in the NAACLS accreditation process List four documents that must be submitted to NAACLS before a program applying for initial accreditation can receive “Serious Applicant Status” Name 2 steps in the accreditation process in which a program can submit a response with additional information Identify 2 additional levels of accreditation review that occur after the site visit
Benefits of Accreditation Publicly identifies programs that meet nationally established standards of educational quality Stimulates program improvement by involving faculty and staff in on-going self-evaluation, research, and planning Promotes a better understanding of the goals of professional education Provides reasonable assurance that program graduates meet minimum career-entry competencies Assists specialized programs in achieving their objectives
Programs Accredited by NAACLS Medical laboratory scientist (MLS) Medical laboratory technician (MLT) Doctorate in clinical laboratory science (DCLS) Histotechnologist (HTL) Histotechnician (HT) Diagnostic molecular scientist (DMS) Cytogenetic technologist (CG) Pathologists' assistant (Path A)
The Accreditation Process Program Self-Evaluation Process of self-evaluation and analysis by the program Self-Study (Paper) Review Peer review of Self-Study Report for completeness and clarity Site Visit Site visitors interview & observe to verify compliance with Standards Review by RCAP or DRC Review committee analyzes & makes recommendation Review by NAACLS BOD NAACLS Board of Directors grants final accreditation award.
Eligibility Criteria for Becoming an Accredited Program The sponsoring institution and affiliates, clinical and/or academic, if any, must be accredited by recognized regional and/or national agencies Academic institutions sponsoring clinical laboratory science education programs must be empowered by a state authority to grant the appropriate degree The institution must be legally authorized under applicable state law to provide postsecondary education
Initial Application Process Letter of intent is sent to NAACLS by the sponsoring institution’s CEO NAACLS sends application packet Application for Initial Accreditation Program Official Approve Form
Initial Application Process Sponsoring institution submits Application for Initial Accreditation Initial Application Fee Program Official Approval Form, and program director’s CV Preliminary Report, with required documentation (3 copies)
The Preliminary Report Program Fact Sheet Clinical Facility Fact Sheets (for each clinical site) Faculty Fact Sheets Summary of the Program Relationship of administrators & faculty to service & teaching Description of operational agreements and affiliation agreement tracking tool Courses to be offered Summary of financial resources Summary of instructional resources Recruitment of students
Initial Application Process NAACLS reviews and approves the Preliminary Report within 2 months of receipt of program information and fees Program conducts Self-Study and submits 2 copies of the Self-Study Report to NAACLS. Alternatively, the program can download a self-study template from and submit the Self-Study electronically
Initial Application Process NAACLS grants “Serious Applicant Status” after the Self-Study Report is submitted Students treated as if from accredited program for certification exam eligibility Status granted no longer than 18 months
Initial Accreditation Process The Self-Study is evaluated by a NAACLS volunteer reviewer The Self-Study review is forwarded to the program within 2 months The program submits a response to the Self-Study Review within one month
Initial Accreditation Process Site visit by NAACLS volunteers Site Visit Report is forwarded to the program within 1.5 months of the site visit The program submits a response to the Site Visit Report within one month
Initial Accreditation Process Review by RCAP (Review Committee for Accredited Programs) or DRC (Doctoral Review Committee Review by Board of Directors BOD Quality Assurance Committee review Final decision on accreditation by Board
Continuing Accreditation Application Process NAACLS notifies the program 18 months before the end of the current accreditation period Program submits the Application for Continuing Accreditation Program conducts Self-Study and submits 2 copies of the Self-Study Report to NAACLS. Alternatively, the program can download a self-study template from and submit the Self-Study electronically
Continuing Accreditation Process The Self-Study is evaluated by a NAACLS volunteer reviewer The Self-Study review is forwarded to the program within 1-4 months The program submits a response to the Self-Study Review within one month
Continuing Accreditation Process Approval of site visit team Site visit by NAACLS volunteers Site Visit Report is forwarded to the program within 1.5 months of the site visit The program submits a response to the Site Visit Report within one month
Continuing Accreditation Process Review by RCAP (Review Committee for Accredited Programs) or DRC (Doctoral Review Committee Review by Board of Directors BOD Quality Assurance Committee review Final decision on accreditation by Board
Learning Assessment #1 1. Prior to reviewing the Preliminary Report, NAACLS must receive a. The Application for Initial Accreditation b. The Self-Study Report c. Three copies of the Preliminary Report d. All of the above e. a and c are true
Learning Assessment #2 2. In the steps to initial accreditation, a program has official “Serious Applicant Status” with NAACLS after the a. letter is intent is received b. application fee is paid c. Preliminary Report has been reviewed and accepted d. Self-Study is received
Learning Assessment #3 3. A program may submit additional information and documentation during the accreditation process following the receipt of the Site Visit Report RCAP review QA Committee review Board of Directors review