The Present and Future Margaret McKinlay, Chair Paul Broadbent, Chief Executive.


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Presentation transcript:

The Present and Future Margaret McKinlay, Chair Paul Broadbent, Chief Executive

GLA Key Facts Current Licences  Full: 1,147  With ALCs: 20 Application Inspections: 101 Compliance Inspections: 78 Licence Revocations: 14 Workers identified as exploited: 1,181 Criminal Investigations: 81 ongoing

GLA Key Issues - RTC Ministerial Statement – 24 May 2012  Focus on serious criminality  Light touch regulation  GLA processes - licensing  Scope of Licences  Methods of operation Sanctions proportionate? Working with Other Government Departments  Governance

GLA Key Issues – RTC Next Steps GLA Consultation  Initial Inspection  Licence Duration  Publicity Defra Consultation on possible legislative change  Scope  Civil sanctions  Governance

CEO’s Initial Impressions of the GLA Committed workforce, skills, knowledge, expertise Constantly changing landscape Committed to partnership working to build a compliant sector and protect workers and prevent exploitation Infrastructure gaps to be addressed Variable intelligence coverage Greater emphasis on prevention as well as enforcement

GLA Strategic Aim ‘Working in partnership to protect vulnerable and exploited workers’

GLA Priorities Preventing worker exploitation Protecting vulnerable people Tackling unlicensed/criminal activity and ensuring those licensed operate within the law

GLA Strategic Objectives Through joint working, target, dismantle and disrupt serious and organised criminality including the early identification of human trafficking Identify and tackle forced/bonded labour by licensed or unlicensed gangmasters Maintain a credible licensing scheme creating a level playing field for the industry and promoting growth In partnership tackle those who engage in tax evasion, health and safety negligence, fraud, breach of regulations

GLA Strategic Objectives (cont’d) Provide effective and meaningful engagement with key partners, stakeholders, sponsors To tackle unnecessary bureaucracy and develop the professional skills of all staff Make the best use of funding to deliver the most cost effective service To further enhance the reputation of the GLA and develop its multi-stakeholder support To work with the regulated sector to enable them to recognise and address issues of non-compliance before the GLA is forced to intervene

GLA Consultation - The Context Government policy on  Promoting growth  Light touch regulation  Targeting serious criminality  Better targeting of resources GLA Resources - Challenging  Staff  Finances  Remit

Consultation Process Deadline for comments 22 March 2013 Report to GLA Board on 17 April 2013  Reporting the comments  Proposals for future licensing arrangements No legislative changes required Notice period prior to implementation of any changes

Consultation Questions Whether inspections are always required on application? What other / additional checks should be we operate? Whether to change the renewal process, extend licences or remove the need for renewal? Consider changes to increase transparency of a licence holder’s status?

Consultation Questions (cont’d) GLA should adopt a risk based approach to determine if inspection required on receipt of an application?  Situations where inspection of an applicant should always be required? / never required? What documents do you consider the GLA should seek from applicant if no automatic inspection? Should there be changes to OGD checks? How to assess compliance and competency of the PA?  How might applicant demonstrate “earned recognition”?

Consultation Questions (cont’d) Annual renewal process or longer? Should LPs demonstrating longer history of compliance have longer licences? If so:  Maximum length?  Additional controls/checks? Should renewal process should be removed altogether?  If so, additional controls/checks, if any?

Consultation Questions (cont’d) Should Public Register include :  Details of ALCs?  Labour providers whose status has changed to “revoked with immediate effect”? and  Businesses that are formally revoked and, if so, for how long should these details be displayed? Should Active Check process provide greater detail of changes to a licence status reflecting what appears on the Public Register?

GLA Current Key Issues RTC – next steps Travel Schemes Supply Chains – long and complex?  “Supply Chain” Protocol ? Prosecution Approach Communication

Finally The GLA must be seen as effective  By what it does  By how it reports GLA must maintain the trust of the industry  Seen to be tackling the worst excesses  Listening and working with stakeholders GLA must facilitate a level playing field to promote national economic growth  Working with OGDs