Help the Environment
End Introduction Introduction Pollution is a dangerous problem which threaten all living creatures on Earth. It is Man's environmental problem.
End There are different types of pollution Air pollution Land pollution Water pollution. Noise pollution
End AIR POLLUTION AIR POLLUTION Air pollution is making the air we breath dirty. It is due to many factors such as; Smoke released by factories, means of transport. Smog Pesticides Burning garbage Volcano eruption
End water pollution water pollution It is any harm to any water body and takes place where water is dirty. It is caused by: Dumping garbage into the sea Oil spilt from ships, Waste chemicals from factories are dumped in water Waste from people. sewages
Land pollution Land pollution It is caused by different factors Rubbish and garbage thrown everywhere. Mines Sewage Landfills. Industries
End Can you imagine the future generation living in a polluted land? Can you imagine the future generation living in a polluted land?
End Noise pollution Noise pollution It is any unwanted noise caused by human or natural activities disturbing the environment. It is due to: vehicles. Loud speakers. volcanoes. planes. Natural disasters. earthquakes.
End Can you support this noise?
Effects Pollution has a dangerous and a negative impact on people,animals and plants. It leads to: dangerous diseases skin rash breathing problem asthma lung cancer death of marine life extinction of rare animals Death of animals ozone layer depletion global warming
End SOLUTION There are different measures that should be taken to protect the environment. Organize campaigns against pollution to sensitize pollution. Make posters and leaflets Provide waste paper basket and litter cans in public places Save energy Switch off the lights if they are not in use Don`t leave water running Plant trees and plenty of flowers Put laws to forbid animal hunting