Mal 2:14-15 Covenant is a binding agreement Between a man, a woman, and God
Death or the shedding of blood Gen 15:8-10;18 Ps 50:5 The marriage covenant requires self denial or death to self
Calvary is a covenant It was sealed by blood Mark 14:24 Resurrection validates covenant I Cor 15:12-14 Only death dissolves the covenant of marriage
Physical death Rom 7:2-3 Spiritual death Matt 19:9 Porneia: meaning any type of improper sexual activity and idolatry A departing spouse of unbelief (I Cor 7)
Restores the marriage covenant I John 1:9 I Cor 7:11
Gen 2:24-25 Separation (leave father and mother) A uniting (to cleave) Oneness (one flesh) Intimacy (no shame)
Pattern; Christ and Church (Eph 5:25) Partnership (Amos 3:3) Pleasure (Prov. 5:18 & Heb 13:4) Parenting (Gen 1:28) Perfecting (Gen 2:20)
Monogamy – one person married to one person