Welcome Parents! Open House September 18, 2007
Mrs. Palatiere’s First Grade Class
Student Expectations Attend school everyday Be on time Listen and follow directions Complete and turn in homework
Schedule Lunch 10:48-11:18 P.E. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Music Wednesdays and Fridays Library Thursdays
Reading First grade students are expected to read 60 words per minute by the end of the year. Instruction will be done in small groups and whole group. Instruction will include phonics, decoding, fluency, and comprehension. 5 word wall words will be emphasized each week.
Language and Composition Students will write complete sentences and short paragraphs on a variety of topics. Instruction will include the proper use of capital letters, punctuation, nouns, adjectives and verbs.
Spelling Words will be sent home on Mondays 5 word wall words, 5 phonetic words, and 2 application words will be on each test Test each Friday
Handwriting Students are expected to use proper strokes, size, and spacing. Handwriting
Math Addition Subtraction Story problems Place value Geometry Fractions Time and Money Measurement
Science Life Science – plants and animals Earth Science – rocks, soil, and land forms Physical Science - forces
Social Studies Students will learn about: communities citizenship map skills history government
Standardized Testing Texas Primary Reading Inventory – administered three times a year
Friendly Reminders Check Wednesday folders Return folders and library books promptly Send money to school in an envelope with your child’s name on it Provide a back pack to help child’s organization Label your child’s personal belongings
Kite Day Super Puppy Thunder Bash
Ways To Help Your Child Make sure children get enough sleep Assist with homework when necessary Offer praise for his or her good efforts Read every day
Mrs. Palatiere may be reached at Or (voice mail)
Thank you for coming to Open House !