Man from Poland, explaining to his attorney why he wants a divorce Q: Do you have you any grounds? A: Yes, an acre and nice house. Q: No, I mean what is the foundation of this case? A: It made of concrete. Q: I don't think you understand. Do you have a real grudge? A: No, we have carport, and not need one. Q: Is there any infidelity in your marriage? A: We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player. Q: Well, then, does your wife beat you up? A: No, I always up before her. Q: Ok, then, can you tell me why you want this divorce? A: She going to kill me. I got proof! Q: You do? A: Yes! She try poison me. She buy bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read. It say: "Polish Remover."
BYU Devotional …when we make covenants in the temple, we leave behind our old lives. We covenant to forsake our selfishness, our profanities, our egos, and our covetousness, and we consecrate all that we have for the building up of the kingdom of Zion… Significantly, this temple covenant, I believe, is not meant to be a continuum of our lives; it is not meant to mesh nicely with the old order. I believe it comes to us like Christ came: with a sword to divide everything asunder, to change life as we know it to life as God wants it to be (Under the Covenant, May 1997)
The Conversion Pattern Alma 23:7
Question: Swords can be: - Offensive - Defensive What ‘swords of rebellion’ do we keep around? And, why don’t we bury them?
Elder Holland If there is one lament I cannot abide—and I hear it from adults as well as students—it is the poor, pitiful, withered cry, “Well, that’s just the way I am.” If you want to talk about discouragement, that phrase is one that discourages me. Though not a swearing man, I am always sorely tempted to try my hand when I hear that. Please spare me your speeches about “That’s just the way I am.” I’ve heard that from too many people who wanted to sin and call it psychology. In Times of Trouble, BYU Address
The Conversion Pattern Alma 23:7 Alma 23:16-18
Slaughter of the Innocents Alma 24: Why didn’t they fight? Why didn’t they at least leave?
Slaughter of the Innocents Ammonihah Slaughter of the Innocents Anti-nephi-lehis Destruction of the Guilty Nephites Attempted Slaughter of the Innocents 3 Nephi 1 Coming of Christ
Final Thought Therefore, fear not little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.