Am I being kind and Helpful in this moment? Am I using positive self talk? Do I recognize the human in everyone? Am I focusing on solutions instead of problems?
Quarter 2 ELA Reading Skill Focus: Compare and Contrast Author’s Purpose Sequence Main Idea and details Drawing Conclusions Generalizing Writing Focus: Finish Personal Narratives Explanatory/Informative Writing Reiterate the Writing Process Reiterate the 6 Traits of Writing
ELA Continued Students should be reading for 40 minutes every night. I will keep tracking this through Accelerated Reader. Monthly book reports have started! The format of the book report will be determined as we go! We will continue to take Reading Street tests every other Friday. Words Their Way is done at school. Students can request an extras list if they want to practice at home.
Mathematics Quarter 2 EILEEN GEWARGIS
Scope and Sequence Module 2: Continuation of Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations Mental strategies for multi-digit whole number multiplication Standard algorithm for multi-digit whole number and decimal multiplication Measurement word problems Module 3: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Equivalent fractions Making like units pictorially and numerically Further applications
Essential Learnings Multi-Digit Whole Number Multiplication Multi-Digit Decimal Multiplication Multi-Digit Whole Number Division Multi-Digit Decimal Division Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Changes to Grading System Homework will be provided each week, but it will not be taken for a grade. Students will be expected to complete and turn it in as usual. Moby Max is still required as this resource helps differentiate instruction for all learners. Minimum requirement: twice a week for twenty minutes. Grades will include Exit Tickets and Assessments only. This will help narrow the skills that we expect all students to master per quarter.
Math Strategies for Success Become familiar with the area model, a different method of multiplying than you may have learned Continue to review the place value system with your child Discuss mathematical patterns such as 5 × 9, 50 × 90, 50 × 900 Look for opportunities in daily life to discuss fractional parts of a whole (i.e. pieces of pizza, parts of an hour, distances to familiar places) Continue to practice and review multiplication and division math facts- this greatly supports work with fractions Play math games (monopoly, farkle, marbles, etc.)
Social Studies BizTown is scheduled for Monday November 9th. The cost of the trip is $25. This covers the BizTown curriculum as well as transportation costs to get to Tempe. This is an off campus experience teaching economics and the free enterprise system. The District has a required permission slip form AND Junior Achievement has required forms as well. A packet with both forms will be coming soon and prompt attention will be greatly appreciated. 2nd Quarter will continue with European Exploration, and will conclude with Building a New Nation.
Science The Foss kit for 2nd Quarter will focus on Simple Machines - Pulleys, Levers and more.
Upcoming Events/Reminders Wednesday, October 7 th : Picture Retake Day and Group Pictures Friday, October 9 th : END OF QUARTER 1 Monday, October 12 th : NO SCHOOL – FALL BREAK DAY October 19 th - October 23 rd : Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday, October 22 nd : Early Release – Dismissal at 12:05. Friday, October 23 rd : Early Release – Dismissal at 12:05 Saturday, October 24 th : BOO BASH from 3-7pm