Youth Migration: levels and trends 2011 Migration and Development Series jointly organized by UNITAR, IOM, UNFPA and the MacArthur Foundation 28 April 2011 Pablo Lattes Migration Section Population Division - DESA United Nations
United Nations Population Division/DESA Total population by sex and age 1990, 2000 and 2010 (millions)
United Nations Population Division/DESA International migrants by sex and age 1990, 2000 and 2010 (thousands)
United Nations Population Division/DESA Youth migrant stock in 2010 (thousands) Region15-24TotalPercentage World 26,575 26, , , Africa 3,720 3,720 19,263 19, Asia 8,327 8,327 61,324 61, Europe 7,715 7,715 69,819 69, Latin America and the Caribbean 1,031 1,031 7,480 7, Northern America 5,181 5,181 50,042 50, Oceania ,015 6,
United Nations Population Division/DESA “Youth” 15 to 24 years old At age 15 At age 24 MinorsAdults Generally sons / daughters Possibly heads of households Students / dependents Workers Lowest rate of migration Highest rate of migration
United Nations Population Division/DESA Migration flows and stocks Migration flows Migration flows Refers to the event of moving, from one country (origin) to another (destination) in a given period (ex. 5 years).Refers to the event of moving, from one country (origin) to another (destination) in a given period (ex. 5 years). Migrant stocks Migrant stocks Refers to the stock of “foreign born” or “foreigners” living in a specific country at a specific date. Foreigners may include second generation (son/daughters of foreigners).Refers to the stock of “foreign born” or “foreigners” living in a specific country at a specific date. Foreigners may include second generation (son/daughters of foreigners).
United Nations Population Division/DESA Source: Model Migration Schedules, Andrei Rogers and Luis J. Castro, 1981 Models of migration by age
United Nations Population Division/DESA Age distribution of international migrants Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Age distribution of migrants and total population Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Age distribution of migrant stock 2010 Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Age distribution of migrant stock by development level – 2010 Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Regional distribution of migrant stock aged Percentage distribution Region15-24Total Africa Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Northern America Oceania TOTAL100%100%
United Nations Population Division/DESA Percentage of migrant stock aged over total migrants Highest 10 Lowest 10 Bhutan29.0Slovenia4.6 Bangladesh29.0Estonia4.7 Cambodia27.7Latvia4.9 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 26.8Poland5.7 Cape Verde 26.3Armenia5.7 Ghana25.3Cuba5.9 Ecuador25.3 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 5.9 Senegal25.2 Czech Republic 6.2 Mali24.9Belarus6.3 Costa Rica 23.4France6.6
United Nations Population Division/DESA Percentage female among the migrant stock by age – 2010 Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Percentage female among the migrant stock by age – 2010 Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Percentage female migrants: and total Region15-24Total Africa Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Northern America Oceania
United Nations Population Division/DESA Conclusions Reasons and patterns for youth migration very different by age, region and socio-economic background. Reasons and patterns for youth migration very different by age, region and socio-economic background. Percentage of youth among migrants is relatively small compared to that of youth among the world population (12.4 to 17.6 respectively)… Percentage of youth among migrants is relatively small compared to that of youth among the world population (12.4 to 17.6 respectively)… …but the proportion of youth migrants in Africa and Asia is higher than in the rest of the world. …but the proportion of youth migrants in Africa and Asia is higher than in the rest of the world. Percentage female starts to decline around age 20, to reach its lowest level around age 40 - in particular in developing regions. Percentage female starts to decline around age 20, to reach its lowest level around age 40 - in particular in developing regions.
United Nations Population Division/DESA Percentage of migrant stock aged 15 to 24