English Writing Lecture 11: Personal Statement (Statement of Purpose) John E. Clayton Nanjing University,
Good Morning! “A brave man is no braver than a coward – he is just braver a few minutes longer”
Good Morning! 1.Please turn-in your last journal 2. Pick-up: -- your old journal -- your cover/resume
Syllabus 01 Introduction; Student photos; Overview 02 Information cards; Punctuation; Writing processjournal 1 03 Paragraphs; Essays – structure, outline, thesis, etc.journal 2 04 No Class - National Day Holiday 05 No Class – Education Conference 06 Essays – conclusion 07 Essays – Let’s start againJournal 1 08 Mid-term exam 09 Review exam, Introduce Business lettersjournal 2 10 Business – Resume, Johnny Lingo 11 Business – Cover lettersjournal 1 12 Business – Statement of Purpose 13 Business – Statement of Purposejournal 2 14 Movie – “Wizard of Oz” – if we are caught up 15 Review for final exam 16 Final exam
Children’s Humor “Sleep in your clothes so you’ll be dressed in the morning” Stephanie, age 8
What Colleges Look For The primary question admissions committee members ask themselves when they read a Statement of Purpose is: What does this essay tell me about the person who wrote it?
Self-Knowledge The people who read your essay want to be convinced that you have thought long and hard about: - who you are, - what are the things you appreciate, - what inspires you. - what you want out of life, - where you are going from here. You needn’t have all the answers – but you must show that you have thought about these things, and that your life experiences have taught you something.
SOP Things to Consider Your interests – what are they? why? how well defined are they? where will they take you? How will graduate school help you? Your experiences that will help you.
“Interests” Exercise My career interests 1. ____________________________ Why am I interested in this? ______________________________ Where will it take me? ______________________________
Adult’s Humor An English teacher wrote the words: “woman without her man is nothing” on the chalkboard, and asked the class to punctuate it correctly.
Adult’s Humor The men wrote: “Woman, without her man, is nothing” The women wrote: “Woman! Without her, man is nothing”
SOP Structure Read the university application form carefully! It may contain an outline of what needs to be addressed in your essay.
SOP Structure Introduction An attention-grabbing lead-in; the theme of your SOP. Examples – Illustrations of: Coursework general skills, knowledge of subject matter, research Volunteer, Internship, or Work Experiences Conclusion (Details about the program that link to your background and goals)
Children’s Humor “Mom, today in school I was punished for something I didn’t do” “That’s terrible. I’m going to have a talk with your teacher. By the way, what was it that you didn’t do?” “My homework”
SOP “Do’s” Give direction and grab attention with a theme or thesis – a main point. an anecdote, quote, question, or engaging description of a scene. Before writing, choose what you want to discuss and the order in which you want to discuss it. Use examples from your life experience. Write about what interests you, excites you. Conclude by referring back to the lead, and restate your thesis.
SOP “Don’ts” Don't include information that doesn't support your thesis. Don't write an autobiography, itinerary, or résumé in prose. Don't try to be a clown (gentle humor is OK). Don't give excuses for GPA or test scores. Don't make things up.
Children’s Humor “Never trust a dog to watch your food” Patrick, age 10
Sample SOP Introduction I was only a little girl when my Aunt’s toy factory stood on the verge of bankruptcy. Several attempts were made to remedy the situation, but no one in the family could figure out the real cause of the problem, since they had little understanding of accounting. Finally, in desperation, a well-educated professional accountant was called in. He soon found out that the products were priced inaccurately, and subsequently taught my aunt a method of allocating costs according to materials and time consumed by each product. I was astonished by the magic of his skill, and became interested in the subject of numbers.
Homework Assume that you want acceptance to a graduate school. Write the first paragraph – the introduction – to your personal statement that will accompany your application