Structures and strategies Successful Performance Individual roles and responsibilities must be known and carried out effectively. Team work is key to success. (One poor attitude, greedy player, etc has a detrimental impact on all play and is exploited) Work to own strengths and target opponents weaknesses. Realise that strategies will need to change constantly to keep up with the demands of a situation. Technical tactical and physical qualities are necessary. Higher volleyball
What is a Structure and Strategy?? A Structure: Is a system of play or shape which you maintain to capitalise strengths and minimise weaknesses and most importantly create and protect space. Football Basketball Zone Volleyball A strategy: A game plan selected before a game or revised during a game to create scoring opportunities and exploit opposition weaknesses and maximise strengths. Fast Break in basketball Playing the shuttle to the backhand Targeting a weak receiver in service Playing the ball up to the strongest hitter Double unit blocking Set the ball wide to draw blockers wide etc
What is a Technical, Tactical and Physical Quality? Technical: Related to the skills and techniques required, and the skill related aspect of performance such as balance, timing, co-ordination, control, consistency, accuracy. Tactical: Relates to your games sense, spatial awareness, understanding of strengths and weaknesses of self and opposition and movement anticipation to cues in the game. Physical: Linked to aspects of fitness required to implement skills or plays.
The starting point- Service strategy (Describe) Complete the Left hand side of P23 as we review this slide. Serve to a weak receiver Used a variety of serves. (float, power, underarm to target this player and change the flight and pace of the ball) My team could often step off the net to defend these weak 3 touch attacks and call a b-ball and counter to win easy points. ?v=lqgROYztsN8&NR=1 Service perfection ?v=lqgROYztsN8&NR=1 On player found it impossible to dig the ball high and accurate to setter. Technically (arms bent, and often uneven either went behind or projected out of court) Tactically – Could never decide what type of pass to make or judge the flight of the ball coming over the net. Physically – still on the move and never balanced due to poor footwork. Impact on setter? Impact on swing hitters?
What makes serving a simpler part of the volleyball game? One of the few individual roles in the game. Closed in nature with no external pressures. Less communication and judgements to be made. The primary and secondary role is straight forwards. Remember open play is not live until the serve has been struck. Errors are inexcusable at the top level. Every point counts. So lets think about what Technical, Tactical and Physical qualities must be achieved by every player in the team who must undertake this role.
Read page 9 of your notes on Server T.T.P (Several times over) Complete the right hand side of page 23 in your book as you read this content. Now put this information away. Sit in threes - Quiz your team mates on what they know. Person 1 Technical Qualities Person 2Tactical Qualities Person 3 Physical Qualities Slow motion of a power serve to serve? What strengths does a server require to execute this strategy?
Longest rally which shows a range of qualities in open play Homework P10 of your notes will help Deadline is Friday Homework on service strategy and qualities required (pages 24 and 25) Page 24 you are recounting /recalling what you now know about the service strategy (Describe strategy, Why? (Limitation of opposition), Impact on opposition?, How did it assist your team? P25 – Qualities required to be an effective server- T.T.P. In P25 you must write your answer then highlight with a marker where all key words are included.
For both questions Do you understand the question and command words? Have you looked at the marks available? Have you set yourself a structure? Have you got notes and preparation materials to help? Do you have a flag post sentence to set the scene? Have you got a range of linking phrases to add to the fluency of your answer? Volleyball footage