Adaptive Physical Education Purchase Request John Fecich
What We Need Our school would benefit greatly from enhancing our adaptive equipment as well as our physical education software. Our physical education program would appeal to families with children that have special needs. Just a few products would go a long way to getting everyone more involved in class. The following equipment can all be purchased from and each item has a direct
Ability Hoops Multi-Ring Stand Reasons Why Makes basketball an inclusive activity for everyone. Portable – Can be used inside and outside. Will allow all our students with varied abilities to participate and have fun. Only cost $ Order Item Here Order Item Here
Ringing Auditory Volleyball This ball will help our visually impaired students track the ball while it is in the air. Enhances player's confidence, development of ball handling skills and overall enjoyment of the game Durable and built like traditional volleyball Only cost $14.95 per ball I suggest we get 5 balls for the department by ordering here.ordering here
Oversized Golf Club Set Oversized head results in greater success which will help our students who struggle with their hand eye coordination and lack some of the physical skills to swing properly Golf is an enjoyable sport when you can see success. Set includes oversized driver, oversized foam balls, and foam tee. Set can be used inside and outside. The sets are reasonably priced at $29.95 I suggest we purchase 3 sets herehere
Giant Ultra Soft Frisbee Easy to throw, easy to catch, and lots of fun! Perfect for our students with varied abilities. Soft and bright making it easier to catch. Only cost $13.89 I recommend 3 for the department. Purchase here
Equipment Purchase Order QuantityItem #DescriptionUnit PriceLine Total 1W38454Ability hoops multi ring stand$ WDS029Ringing auditory volleyball$14.95$ W17546Oversized golf club set$29.95$ W15436Giant ultra Frisbee$13.89$41.67 Total Cost:$ Website: Phone #: Address: th St Astoria, NY Free Shipping
Software For Physical Education In addition to equipment something that will greatly improve our program is new software that will benefit all of our students. Collect, analyze and report students’ physical education grade level outcomes, motor skills, health-related fitness, nutrition, behavior, attendance, and more
Fitstats What It Does You can define your own assessment and assess PE outcomes and performance indicators Manage broad variety of assessment's, physical literacy, movement skills, behavior and cognitive skills Add our own assessments Students can self report activity outside of school Compatible with fitness gram
Testimonials “We have been sharing fitness results with students, parents, principals, and the school board for the past 5 years. The FITSTATS program has been an excellent resource for teachers to give individual student reports, building and grade level reports, and districtwide data to help motivate improvement at all levels within our district. The FITSTATS staff has been a pleasure to work with and are always prompt in responding to technical issues." Thank You! Mike Miller, Campbell County School District #1, Gillette Wyoming, USA More testimonials here
Free Demo There is a free demo linked here, where it is 30 minutes risk free and can be scheduled to your conveniencefree demo linked here Our school would greatly benefit from this program because we could track and monitor all our students progress and then focus more on students that need extra attention.
Thank You! Thank you for your time and I hope you will consider purchasing the adaptive equipment. It is priced and ready to be ordered and will greatly improve our Physical Education department. I also hope we can schedule a meeting to try the Fitstats program for free and determine if it is something that will benefit our school, which I believe it will do.