Unit Essential Question on Volleyball Where are 2 places people are able to enjoy the game of volleyball? Indoor and Outdoor
BLE P.E. STANDARDS Standard 1.3 – The student will be able to apply basic skills in game-like situations Standard 5.2.4- The students will be able to demonstrate sportsmanship during physical education class. Objectives for the Team Sport of Volleyball i. Demonstrate basic to moderate volleyball skills and game like situations. ii. Identify principles of mechanics in various sports and apply to modified games. (2 lines verses 3 lines, types of balls used, scoring & rotation, play off the bounce) iii. Identify and apply basic rules of the sport and principles of fair play. Understandings: (What we want your to know) Demonstrate how to follow Modified Volleyball rules, game procedures, and safety precautions Maintaining proper respect, attitudes, and cooperation
INTRODUCTION BLE X-Curriculum Word of the Week direction What part of speech noun Direction-ways the body can move in space Examples:forward, backward,right,left,clockwise, counterclockwise.
BLE Stretching & Warm-Ups Exercise spots K-2 do 15 at each spot with a partner 3-5 do 20 at each spot with a partner
Rules & Safety Percussions Never Fist Hit the ball! You could hit someone in the face and cause injury! Don’t throw the ball over the net, roll it under the net if you don’t return it. Don’t grab the nets or jump on them! Don’t swing on the standards! Don’t go under the nets! Always walk around the nets! Lose a Point for going under! Stay in your area or assigned space!
4 SKILLS OF FOCUS IN VOLLEYBALL Which shape do you use for setting? Triangle Which starts every offensive set in a volleyball game? Serve Which skill do you use below waist? Bump Which skill has 2 or 3 lines that go in a clockwise direction? Rotation
4 Setting Cues Triangle hands at forehead Knees & arms bent. Extend knees and arms, make contact with finger tips Follow Through towards target
4 Bumping Cues Hands Fist & Cover Forearms locked straight & flat Feet apart with Bent Knees Follow Through towards target Arms do not go over head.
Activity #1: Alternating Leader Setting Tosser- Toss ball slow & high above shoulder height. Setter is in ready position with Triangle Hands. Extend arms to open up like a flower using fingertips only to contact the ball. Follow Through and Recover to Setter Ready Position . Then go to end of line First person will be the tosser to everone in the role, then next person is tosser till everyone has had a turn.
Activity #2: Student Toss Bumping Hands Fist & Cover Forearms locked straight & flat Feet apart with Bent Knees (Ready Position) Follow Through towards target The leader will be the “Tosser” who tosses the ball to everyone in the row, until everyone has a turn.
Server is always located in the back line right hand corner! 3 Serving Cues Hold the ball on the side at knee height Make a fist with your hand and hit the ball with heel of. Follow Through towards target Server is always located in the back line right hand corner!
Activity #3: Serving Hold the ball on the side at knee height Make a fist and hit the ball with the heal of hand Follow Through going straight up to head. Try to serve the ball above the number you are facing.
Rotation When facing the net: 2 Lines Rotate Clockwise in a circular manner with the front line rotating to the right and the back line going left. 3 Lines Rotate with the front line rotating right, the middle line rotating to left, and back line rotating to the right. The back right person rotates to front left position.
A Challenge Game: Hit Target Step Back Person in middle will toss the ball and you have to set it back to them, without them having to move to catch it. When you hit your target, you may take a step back before hitting your next ball. If you do not hit the ball back to the person tossing you have to sit down. Whoever wins is the next person to toss and gets a prize.
Volleyball Closing: Recall of the Day What are the 3 skills of focus in this Volleyball Unit? Set, bump and serve What shape do you make when setting a ball. Triangle
Volleyball Quiz What are the hand positions for “Bumping & Setting? 2. What shape do you make when you set the ball?