……………… November 7, 2011 Bell Ringer: HONORS 1.If you could name your own state or country what would it be called? WHY????? Share Out with Partner
……………… November 7, 2011 Bell Ringer: 1.If you could name your own state or country what would it be called? WHY????? Class Share out
……………… November 7, 2011 Page 136 “The Proposed State of Deseret” Within a few years of coming to Utah, LDS Church leaders held a convention and wrote a constitution to set up the State of Deseret. They chose the word “Deseret” because in an ancient language it meant honeybee, which stood for industry. The boundaries of the proposed state were large, and even included San Diego, California, on the Pacific Coast. Church leaders appointed themselves to top government offices, with Brigham Young as governor. Men took their constitution and petition to Washington, D.C., to apply for statehood. The petition was turned down.
……………… November 7, 2011 Vocabulary: 1.Propose: to offer or suggest
……………… November 7, 2011 Vocabulary: 2.Petition: to make a formal request
……………… November 7, 2011 Vocabulary: 3.Compromise: to make an agreement by sacrifice on both sides
……………… November 7, 2011 Vocabulary: 4.Massacre: the killing of a large number of people
……………… November 7, 2011 Vocabulary: 5.Animosity: bitter hostility; active hatred
……………… November 7, 2011 Vocabulary: 6.Diverse: differing from one another
……………… November 7, 2011 Vocabulary: 7.Immunity: a condition of being able to resist a certain disease
……………… November 7, 2011 A STATE OR A TERRITORY? PRIVILEGESTerritoryState Vote for President of Country Choose Local Officials Make Local Laws Representatives can vote in Congress
……………… November 7, 2011 A STATE OR A TERRITORY? PRIVILEGESTerritoryState Vote for President of Country NOYES Choose Local OfficialsPARTYES Make Local LawsPARTYES Representatives can vote in Congress NOYES