IMPROVING COAST WALK TRAIL Coast Walk Neighborhood Meeting with Councilmember Lightner April 22, 2011 Earth Day
Meeting Purpose & Agenda To address neighborhood concerns about the deterioration, current condition, and maintenance of Coast Walk Trail Outcomes: By the end of the meeting we hope to …. -Review the efforts to date and address the deterioration of the trail and the bridge -Inquire about the Current Coastal Commission Proposal Impacting Coast Walk -Discuss what can be done to help within the city operating budget to address safety and deterioration -Gain commitment to conduct a cross functional city meeting to help the safety and maintenance issues facing the trail TimeAgenda TopicWho 5’Welcome/Purpose/Introductions Dr. Fisler/Councilwoman Lightner 10’ Provide the Problem Statement the Neighbors are Addressing Dr. Fisler/Brenda Fake 10’Review the Efforts/Actions to Date All 20’ Possible actions to bring together city managers All 10’Agreement on actions/next steps All 5’Closing comments on meeting Dr. Fisler/Councilwoman Lightner
General Questions on Coastal Commission Proposal for Angel Flight Stairs Is building stairs at Angles Flight feasible and environmentally sound idea for the bluffs ◦ Impact to safety and environment Where do you stand on this issue? How can we have input into this process? Is this the best use of public money?
Problem Statement Continuous deterioration and current conditions of the Coast Walk Trail render the path unsafe and hazardous to the environment Immediate concerns: ◦ Soil erosion along the walking path -Blocked storm water pipe creating large hole and exposed screws – not safe for walking (alternative people can use the road) -Large hole next to bridge covered with a steel plate -Continued erosion under plate impacting bridge (impassable) -The trail is getting more difficult to walk near Goldfish Point (no option to use an alternative) ◦ Invasive plant species damaging the trail and surrounding area creating fire hazard and further soil erosion -Devils slide (Arundo) -Ice plants (Hot and Tot) ◦ General Repairs - Stairs -Bridge
Coast Walk Trail Goldfish Point to Torrey Pines Road
Coast Walk Trail Cave Shop to Second Bench
Coast Walk Trail Second Bench to Storm Drain
Coast Walk Trail Storm Drain to Stairs
Coast Walk Trail Stairs to Parking Lot
Coast Walk Trail Parking Lot to Torrey Pines
Torrey Pines State Park Provides Good Example of the Friends of Coast Walk’s Vision for Coast Walk Trail
Actions Taken Contacted The City and walked the path with City Managers for possible options for improvement ◦ Looked at improvement possibilities in/out of City Operating Budget ◦ Learned the budget determines departmental responsibilities Three City Departments have responsibilities for Coast Walk Trail Streets Park and Recreation Storm water Bridge was painted and light repairs done (June 2010) A review of the blocked storm water pipe (no action taken) Neighborhood forms Friends of Coast Walk to address deterioration concerns (November 2010) Neighbors begin to collect signatures from the public in support of our improvement efforts (see handout) Conducted an assessment of the soil and fauna by a professional environmental landscape expert (see handout)
Proposed Coast Walk Trail Repairs (but not limited to) Restoration Improvements EnvironmentSafetyBeautification Restoration of path and soil erosion Fix the storm water run off drains along trail (two) Restoration of path below stairs going to Goldfish/Whalers Point Create an ongoing operations and maintenance program dedicated to Coast Walk Trail Removal of invasive species along the path as it poses a fire hazard and erosion contributor (i.e. bamboo looking stuff by bridge) Continue the white railing for Coast Walk Trail including the storm water exit drains similar as La Jolla Cove and Coast Blvd for continuity and maintenance consistency Improved railings along path with steep drop offs (see photo) Improved benches Landscaping around the drain culverts E BS DRAFT
FRIENDS OF COAST WALK Mission Our focus is on the safety and environmental preservation, restoration, and enhancements specifically for historic Coast Walk Trial that ensures continued use and enjoyment for the community today and in the futureGoals: - Protect environmentally sensitive bluffs -Improve trail safety -Create an ongoing maintenance plan for Coast Walk Trail that manages the current fauna and foliage
Objectives:EROSION Re-channel water runoff from streets, hillsides and housing from the trail Restore the hillside to prevent further erosion Secure trail from wind velocity and movement Discuss and determine how and where the water runoff is coming fromSAFETY Improve walking trail to avoid pedestrian injuries Minimize traffic to improve pedestrian safety Improve hand rails for pedestrian safety Remove the invasive Arundo as it is a fire hazard and shelters the homeless ◦ Mid 80’s there was major fire on Devils Slide
Possible Projects (but not limited to…) City Departmental Change of Responsibilities for Trail (From Streets to Parks) ◦ Have Coast Walk Trail formally deemed a park Environmental Impact Study for restoration ◦ Address bluff sensitivity ◦ Trail restoration ◦ Landscape architect plan (from invasive to drought tolerant native plants i.e. Arundo removal) Trail Restoration ◦ Backfilling and leveling the trail with appropriate fill based on impact study ◦ Implement fauna and foliage plan ◦ Create maintenance plan and budget for ongoing maintenance and improvements
Next Steps To meet with a cross functional group of City Managers to address safety items for Coast Walk Trail within the current City Operating Budget-short term Community clean up efforts to help pick up the current area of debris and trash ◦ Conduct a clean effort with the neighbors and solicit help from the community ◦ Working with Ester Viti from the La Jolla Village Beatification Committee Clean up effort set for June 4 th 1-4pm (La Jolla Light) Move Coast Walk Trail from Street Department to full responsibility under Parks and Recreation ◦ Formally deem Coast Walk Trail a park Determine who to best work with to help improve the trail long term and create an improved walk and park experience ◦ La Jolla Conservancy ◦ La Jolla Parks and Recreation Board
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