Welcome in Trenčín
This is our tour (follow the bus)
Plague pillar Plague pillar The pillar was built, in 1712, in the center of the square to commemorate a plague that hit Trenčín in Vienna stone- cutting masters that were working on the restoration of the Piarist Church at the time, created the pillar after the initiative of hereditary Lord of District, earl Mikuláš Ilešázi. 1st stop: New words District – kraj, oblasť earl – gróf Hereditary – dedičný Master – majster, ovládať, hlavný Pillar – stĺp Plague – mor Restoration – rekonštrukcia, obnova To commemorate – na pamiatku
To second stop:
Roman insricption Roman insricption is the most important Roman monument in Central Europe north of the Dunaj river. In the last third of the 2nd Century, the invasion of Germanic tribes started one of the most dangerous conflicts between the Roman empire and tribes of the Dunaj river. Insricption made Marcus Valerius Maximianus in 179. You can find it on castle rock, which is visible from Hotel Tatra. 2nd stop: New words: Empire – ríša, impérium Invasion – vpád, invázia Tribe – kmeň, rod, čeľaď Visible - viditeľný
To third stop:
Trenčín castle The castle was built in the 10th century, has been rebuilt and expanded and in 1790 burnt down. Restoration of the castle began in In March 2003, the western part of the fortification with weight 1100 tons broke down. It was residence Matthew Čak Trenčín. It belongs to national culture monuments. 3rd stop: New words: Belong - patriť Expanded – rozšírený Fortification – opevnenie, pevnosť Rebuilt – prestavaný Residence – rezidencia, sídlo
To fourth stop:
Roman Catholic church Built in 1324, on the foundation of a 13th century. Around the first half of the 15th century, the church was reconstructed. In 1528 the church and the nearby St. Michael’s carner burnt down. St Michael’s carner is the only substantially undamaged Gothic building in the City. 4th stop: New words: Foundation – základ Nearby – neďaleký Substantially - materiálne
To fifth stop:
Parish stairway The Renaissance Parish stairway was built in The stairway was damaged by fires in the years 1708, 1790 and It connects the middle of the City with the area of Parish church, the castle and with the Brezina woods. 5th stop: New words: Parish – farnosť, obec, farský Renaissance – renesančné Stairway – schodište
To sixth stop:
The City Tower The six floor Gothic tower of the city gate was built around the begining of the 15th century on a square foundation. Today's City Tower was originally called the Lower Gate or Turkish tower. Fortification was part of the city - a wall that surrounded the city and connects to the castle walls. 6th stop: New words: Surrounded – obklopovať, byť obklopený
To seventh stop:
Synagogue The Trenčín synagogue belongs to the most exquisite and interesting works of its type in Slovakia. It was built in 1913 under the project architect Dr. Richard Scheibner close to an earlier synagogue. Reconstruction of the monument took place from Monument is not available to the public. 7th stop: New words: Exquisite – vynikajúci, prekrásny, znamenitý
To eight stop:
Piarist Church of St. Francis Xaverský Piarist Church of St. Francis Xaverský (originally Jesuit since 1776 Piarist) dominates the northwestern part of Mierové Square. Founded by the Jesuits in 1649 and the first stone of the building was laid in Large fire Trenčína in 1708 completely destroyed the entire home furnishings and a neighboring monastery Jesuits. 8th stop: New words: Entire – celý, úplný Furnishings – zariadenie, nábytok Laid – položený Monastery – kláštor, mníška