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As for me l like to read for pleasure, interest and to keep in touch with family. This book is about a very friendly and understanding family. Parents in this family are loving. They understand wishes of each other.
The main character of the book is Bob. One day he was in trouble because of his shoes. Bob’s shoes had a hole and the boy wanted the new one. Bob’s parents were so kind and bought him shoes he wanted. It was surprise for Bob. I found this boy friendly and understanding. I had the similar problem in my life: I wanted to have shoes that wasn’t suit school shoes.
It is really wise story about kindness and evil. This book teaches us to be very careful with our wishes and be responsible for all actions.
There are two characters in this book Abdulla and Genie Genie was strong and big. |He was also angry and cruel. I think such treats don’t help in life. Abdulla was a poor man, but he had a brave heart and wise head. He wasn’t afraid of the Genie’s magic.
This book is about the trip to the fair. The group of schoolchildren is on the fair. There are a lot of interesting things to do: bumper cars, roundabout, slide, swingboat,
The main character of this book Is Helen. She is an usual girl. She doesn’t like most of things her classmates like, but Helen is good at basketball. And her skill helps all Children – they all get lollipops. I think that it is good to have right hobby and be friendly.
People have been inventing new Machines for thousands of years. There are a lot of strange inventions all over he world. You can read about some of them in this book. You can also try some riddles. What is dry when you open it and wet when you close it?
It is very interesting to read about such thing as TV, computer, telephones and even space shuttle. It was great to read these books. I recommend all my friends to read MACMILLAN’s books!