1 PILOT CASE: Installation of remote control systems for energy management in public buildings participating in “Championship” GRANOLLERS-LAG: Local Working Group on Savings and Energy Efficiency (LWG_SEE) interdepartamental group: technical personnel of Granollers City Council; External members: collaboration and synergies with other european projects in the energy area 17 Schools, july 2013-october Cultural centers (prevision july-october 2014) May 2015: more than 30 public buildings with smart meters of water, electricity and gas consumption. Leader: Province of Barcelona Leader: 2 private companies (Estebanell ans Enerbyte)
2 STARTING POINT: Schools and cultural center, causing more than 40% of consumption in the global electricity consumption of Granollers City Council; large number of users; public target with great potential to adopt best practices. SOLUTION PROPOSED: installation of smart meters of energy and water consumption as a support to process of decision making in energy management of more than 30 public buildings, oriented to efficiency. COOPERATION ESTABLISHED: between environmental department and municipal services departments in order to identify and select high consumer buildings; recruitment of private company who install smart meters and brings software to monitor the energy consumption of these public buildings. Collaboration and synergies with other european projects (SERPENTE 50/50-Province of Barcelona and BESAVING-2 private energy sector companies). TARGETS SET: better measurement of energy consumption; availability of energy information at real time day; extension of public building energy monitoring system; supplement the energy accounting system from billing. KEY ACTIONS TAKEN SO FAR: installation of smart meters equipment to measure water, electricity and gas consumption in 17 schools; integration to municipal energy monitoring system of buildings.
3 LESSONS LEARNT Better information allow us to do a better management, reduce costs, and incresase the benefits to public building and the community involved (politicians, public managers, maintenance services companies, students, professors, users, citizens in general, etc.). MAIN BARRIERS IDENTIFIED PUBLIC MANAGERS: availability of energy accountancy information of buildings to prioritize WHERE to install smart meters and in WHICH type of supply (electricity, gas, water); difficulty to select the best system to our buildings and TIC networks, and at better price; financing of the investment and maintenance of the whole monitoring system. BENEFITS FOR THE COMMUNITY Benchmarking of municipal energy accountancy with remote measuring of energy consumption. Identification of incidents in the energy bill of the supplier. Better knowledge of vampiric consumption. Reducing response time to breakdowns of energy or water infrastructures Good contribution to process of decision making in energy management in order to do more efficient public buildings More than 30 public buildings monitored in 2 years Almost 40 managers of public buildings involved in energy control. Creation of a new job in Granollers city council: ENERGY MANAGER, to coordinate energy accountancy, smart metering and to propose and implement energy efficient solutions in public buildings.
4 June-july 2014 Public procurement of companies responsible of installation works. July-october 2014 Installation of smart meters in 14 cultural public buildings to measure decrease in use of electricity and heating October 2014 Adding the new buildings at monitoring software Nov-Dec Reporting the analysis of energy consumption in cultural public buildings in order to decide about new public investments in energy efficiency, reduction of energy consumption, and implement solutions about abnormal consumptions o higher to the reco NEXT STEPS BY THE END OF THE PROJECT