Towards a new fuel poverty strategy Looking beyond 7 th May
Introduction Our campaign DECC’s Fuel Poverty Strategy Our manifesto for the next Government
Our campaign - about us Volunteer led Non-partisan Supported by LAs/HAs, charities new energy market entrants & partner campaigns
Our campaign - a fuel poverty crisis 3 million UK households in fuel poverty Energy bills have doubled in last decade Children in fuel poverty higher risk of respiratory and mental health problems Netmums Survey – 1 in 5 members choosing between heating and eating Elderly - Average 25,000 Excess Winter Deaths per year in England & Wales
Our campaign - getting smart about energy Data matching Pre-payment Health
A welcome change of direction Fuel Poverty Strategy
Integrate into wider public health strategy Targets for Energy efficiency standards Recognition of role of community energy and need to understand household behaviours
Our Manifesto - looking beyond 7 May Energy efficiency –ECO 250,000 households by 2023: Winter 2012 / 2013 – 300,000 more households fell in to fuel poverty Health and fuel poverty –No delivery timetable or hard data Empowering local authorities –More responsibility less funding
Our Manifesto - a national residential retrofit programme Targets: –2 million low income homes to EPC C by 2020 –all 6 million low income households to EPC C by 2025 Financing: –Half a million households per year Impact: –100,000 jobs & £3 growth / £1 invested –£1.27 Tax Return / £1 Invested
Delivery of a National Residential Retrofit Programme
Our Manifesto - health Multi-comfort housing central to health –Timetable for delivery of Health Impacts of Domestic Energy Efficiency Measures report No vulnerable patient discharged to a cold home –NICE guidelines Focus on housing for children and the elderly
Our Manifesto - local authorities Speed up access to data? Clarify role in smart meter roll out? Recognise need for local messengers?
Thank you & Questions?