Chapter 7&8 Week 7
Attendence What is your Favorite Color!
Birthdays (April 11-April 25)
Quizzes & Homework (4 points) So, the ANSWERS to each Quiz are now on Blackboard under “Olivia’s Class Information” Your HOMEWORK for this week: Look at the answers and your quiz sheets. Figure out which Questions you got wrong. On a GROUP paper, write a list of the questions you each got wrong and explain the correct answer IN YOUR OWN WORDS. I want to know that you found the correct answers and understand what was wrong. ALMOST everyone got the same questions wrong, so the group review will be good. 1 GROUP BEFORE FRIDAY (APRIL 24) at MIDNIGHT.
Homework Take Home Quiz Chapter 8 (4 Points) to be before Friday April 24, Midnight. I will post the answers on Blackboard April 25. Key Words Assignment There is nothing for Chapter 9, so we will cover that at the review session!! STUDY IT REALLY WELL because the chapter is difficult.
Test Information ~ This is our last class before the exam Dates: April 29, 1:00-2:40 April 29, 2:40-4:30 April 30, 1:00-2:40 Information: Covers Chapters 1-3, 7-9 Multiple Choice, Fill-In-The-Blank, True/False HARD TO CHEAT! Remember, kids get paid to catch you cheating. I Strongly Recommend NOT Trying Please Note: For questions about the time or date of the test, talk to Brian. He arranges all of that.
Review! Exam is during NORMAL Class time: Wednesday (April 29) 13:00-14:40 (Rooms , , ) Wednesday (April 29) 14:40-16:30 (Rooms , , ) Thursday (April 30) 13:00-14:40 (Rooms , , ) So the review session will be 19:00-20:30 the night before the test Tuesday (April 28) Review Group 1 (Test on Wed.) – Room Wed. (April 30) Review Group 2 (Test on Thurs.) – Room BRING a copy of the Study Guides. These should be your best resource for exam studying.
Tutors The tutoring center has arranged for two students to serve as tutors for this class: Artoria - QQ Phone Gloria - QQ Phone They are happy to help, and speak Chinese! Also,I am always available to help or answer questions! If your English is not good, you can bring a translator. WeChat= Oliviablessing =
Resources for Studying PPTs from Brian ("Lecture PPTs") Syllabus ("Syllabus") Key Word Lists Study Guides Olivia's PPts Quizlet ( Prentice Hall website ( Review Session Quiz Questions & Answers
Assignment (5 Points) I'll give you time to prepare. You will prepare an example based on the problem I gave you. You will come up front and give your skit. We will guess what topic you did!
Counteroffer, Rejection, Underage Mistake Drunk Express v. Implied-in- fact Unilateral v. Bilateral Illegal! Revocation Mentally Handicapped Option Contract Illegal Forced Quasi- Contract (Unjust Enrichment; Unjust Detriment) No Consideration Terminated Offer - Destroy the Item, Die, New Laws Unconscionable Contract