Anita Hammerton-Reid, Director of Programmes Elisha Augustin, Project Manager
1. About Safer London 2. The LDAP Service – Strategic Coordination and Housing Pathway Support 3. Next Steps
Safer London Safer London is an independent charity committed to working in partnership with local providers. We deliver programmes across two core themes: young people affected by violence and crime and violence against women and girls. We use a trauma based approach and a theory of change model. We work pan London in close partnership with over 80 different partners including: Local authorities Third sector organisations The Metropolitan Police The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime The Home Office
Safer London Programmes Safe and Secure is a unique intervention project for gang-affected young people who are at high risk of harm. Gang exit interventions include flexible housing pathways and intensive transformational support. WINNER OF THE CHARITY OF THE YEAR AWARD 2015 and LONDON SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN AWARD Empower is a support programme addressing young women’s experiences of sexual violence and exploitation, primarily through gangs. Aspire provides early intervention mentoring to those close to becoming caught up in the cycle of violence and crime. London Domestic Abuse Provision is a two-year project in partnership with Victim Support to increase the capacity and impact of services delivered directly to domestic violence victims/survivors across London.
London Domestic Abuse Provision (LDAP) Roles and Responsibilities Victim Support – Operational Delivery Uplift in Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs) in London by more than a third, with 42.5 new Advocates supporting high-risk victims and 16 additional posts directly supporting medium and low risk victims through recovery and the criminal justice system. Safer London – Strategic Coordination Pan-London strategic support to maximise value of all local provision and ensure that all victims/survivors get access to the right support.
1.Map domestic violence services at a local and pan-London level to increase awareness and accessibility for DV victims/survivors and stakeholder agencies. Pan-London DV Service Directory Online Information Sharing and Networking Platform Key Objectives
2.Undertake a needs assessment in each cluster to define local demographics of existing and potential client base for DV services in each sub-region. Map IDVA provision including location and specialism. Identify trends, gaps and barriers for underrepresented groups and communities. Create opportunities for services within and between clusters to work in partnership to create and implement solutions that address identified needs and share good practice. Key Objectives
3.Enhance and expedite access to safe pan-London housing pathways for DV victims/survivors: Map existing processes and work which involve DV relocations between boroughs and out of London. Develop and deliver training for IDVAs on housing options for those fleeing domestic violence. Manage the centralised co-ordination and monitoring of cross- borough moves for those in social housing (in partnership with sub- regional homelessness coordinators) including centralised access to processes and contacts. Key Objectives
The Pan London Reciprocal can be used to facilitate moves for households: Fleeing gang related violence Fleeing domestic violence, homophobia, transphobia, racism or other forms of hate crime or abuse Exiting prostitution Child protection The Pan London Reciprocal What is it? The Pan London Reciprocal is an homelessness prevention option for people escaping from domestic abuse and other community safety risks.
Relationship breakdown is the most common cause of homelessness and research by Crisis (2006) and Shelter (2002) indicates that in up to 40% of cases, domestic abuse is the main cause or a contributing factor towards women becoming homeless. We are keen to explore this relationship further: Consultation with local authority Homelessness Leads, Rough Sleeping Coordinators and Outreach Workers Findings will be used to promote greater cross-sector working, capacity build organisations and make informed recommendations for future commissioning Homelessness
Advice and consultancy on housing options: Telephone helpline 9am-5pm Monday-Friday support on Direct support for Victim Support IDVA’s with housing moves and resettlement LDAP Housing Support Service
Next Steps Needs Assessment Report Online Directory and Hub Launch Housing Advise Line and Direct Housing Support Network Event 25th November Housing Needs Assessment Workshops and Training
Elisha Augustin– London Domestic Abuse Provision Project Manager / Contact