Gender and the World Development Report on Conflict Sanam Naraghi Anderlini June 2010
Theme 1: The Continuum of Violence Gender Inequality as Indicator of State Violence Gender Inequality as Indicator of State Violence ( ) : Higher GE inc. % of women in leadership less likely use of military force ( ) : Higher GE inc. % of women in leadership less likely use of military force M-F life expectancy ratios indicator of fragility (higher development/higher female life expectancy) M-F life expectancy ratios indicator of fragility (higher development/higher female life expectancy) Deterioration of women’s security early sign of crisis Deterioration of women’s security early sign of crisis
The Continuum From Domestic to Public Violence 1. Exposure to childhood violence – strong link to adult aggression 1. Learnt behavior in childhood correlated to violence in adulthood. Use of coercive and antisocial measures to resolve conflict increased antisocial aggression in children. 2. Youth (w/m) joining gangs/armed groups to flee abuse at home / seek revenge for death of loved ones. 3. Recruitment into armed groups often through social/ familial networks. 1. Armed groups / gangs tap into crisis of identity/masculinity.
The Continuum From Public to Domestic Violence 1. Post conflict – levels of public and private violence high (and higher in some cases e.g. El Salvador) - PTSD/ Alcohol/drugs - PTSD/ Alcohol/drugs - Better reporting / more evident as wider violence subsides. - Better reporting / more evident as wider violence subsides. 1. Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) very prominent: - Opportunistic - Socio-culturally condoned/tolerated - Linked to political and economic violence - Tactical weapon of war (men v. men across women) - Ideological – men targeting/subjugating women. 2. Perpetrators often known – state security/police/ armed opposition groups. 3. Long term impact of SGBV – health, education, social costs
Theme 2: Gender Issues in Conflict & Transition Changes in: 1. Gender Roles – w/m every day jobs 2. Gender identity – expectations of behavior (masculine/feminine) 3. Gendered Institutions (e.g household, community, even state) 4. Gender Ideology (cultural, political changes – e.g. religious extremism/ growth in women’s movements Implications & Paradoxes: 1. Women confidence & increased physical vulnerability 2. Men loss of identity/masculinity & militarized identities 3. Gaps between social expectations & economic reality 4. Gap between responsibility and power (e.g. FHH no property rights)
Theme 2: Gender Issues in Conflict - Transitions & Traditions Stress & Capabilities: 1. Need to support women but not overburden or put at risk 2. Men’s crisis of identity also needs response – econ/pyscho- social /cultural 3. Transitions opportunity for change and support to new voices – e.g. women leaders in community/ change in education/security sector/ more inclusive processes 4. Tensions/backlash from political/armed elite to maintain exclusionary systems - weaken civil society 5. Increased gender balance & strong civil society in politics– indicator of good governance – but… 6. Focus on ‘military security’ overshadows/trumps focus on strengthening state/society foundations from ground up.
Theme 3: Doing Better Policy level – significant progress Policy level – significant progress – 4 UN Security Council Resolutions (1325 first one) – 4 UN Security Council Resolutions (1325 first one) Call for women/ civil society inclusion in peace making/recovery and conflict prevention Call for women/ civil society inclusion in peace making/recovery and conflict prevention Recognition of sexual violence as war crime & a threat to peace /security Recognition of sexual violence as war crime & a threat to peace /security Scr 1888 (09) heavy emphasis on gender /education/health post conflict Scr 1888 (09) heavy emphasis on gender /education/health post conflict Practice still lagging - Demand at sub & transnational – states and multilaterals poor response. Triple A syndrome: Practice still lagging - Demand at sub & transnational – states and multilaterals poor response. Triple A syndrome: Apathy, Adhockery, Amnesia Apathy, Adhockery, Amnesia
Theme 3: Doing Better ① Better analysis of situation - General lack of awareness about conflict/gender/sector specific impact ② Match funding to needs – ① only 8% of budgets of PCNAs mention gender ② Social protection/Hrights 50% budget is gendered but receives only 4% of p-conflict funds. ③ Need emphasis on conflict prevention & SGBV prevention ④ Use of existing national legislation/policies inc. CEDAW ratification ⑤ Acknowledge use of international norms at local level ⑥ Use of local cultural / religious contexts e.g. Justice key theme in Islam/ education & equal pay for w/m in Islam. ⑦ Consultations with women – inclusion of stakeholders ⑧ Outreach to men – partnerships ⑨ Cross – country learning/scaling up ⑩ Gender & conflict expertise/advisers
The Big Gaps 1. PREVENTION 2. Much known about causes and impact of conflict Limited documentation/evaluation of effective responses/coping strategies Far less attention to ingredients/factors that contribute to resiliency against violence. Without this always danger of doing harm to existing capacities & actors.
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