Girls Boys Girls Centimeters Pounds Age in Years HeightWeight Inches Kilograms Growth in Height and Weight from Two to Eighteen Years
Countries Arranged by Rank for Calories per Day Daily calories as % daily requirement Children stunted age 0-5 Children age 0-5 underweight Ethiopia Honduras India Viet Nam China Brazil Jamaica United Kingdom Mexico Percentage Canada Japan United States France Physical Impact of Poverty on Growth
DELAYED INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT Brain damage (sometimes reversible) Lethargy and withdrawal Minimal exploration of environment Lowered expectations of child from adults because child appears young Lack of educational and medical resources Delayed development of motor skills such as crawling and walking Delayed physical growth IllnessMalnutrition Poverty
Areas of the Brain Cerebral cortex Motor cortex Broca's area Auditory cortex Sensory cortex Visual cortex Wernicke's area Brainstem Midbrain Hindbrain
Piaget's Three Mountains Experiment
Variations on Three Mountain Experiments
Semantic Relations in Two-Word Utterances RelationshipExample Agents + action Action + object Agent + object Action + locative (location) Object + locative Possessor + possessed Attribute + object Demonstrative + object Baby cry Eat cookie Bobby cookie Jump stair Teddy bed Mommy sandwich Big dog There Daddy
2 to 5 Year Language Explosion Prelinguistic: crying signals, gooing, cooing, babbling, squeals, yells, inflection by 9 months Holophrastic: One word means many things. Starts about 1 year. 40 to 50 words by 18 months, 300 words by 2 years. Telegraphic: Two or three word phrases (“Where go?” “More milk.” “No bath!” “Big boat.” “Mommy’s dress.”). From about 18 to 24 months. Stage II Grammar: Includes plurals, overgeneralizations. From about 2 to 3 years. Adult-like Speech: Starts at about 5 to 6 years. Prelinguistic: crying signals, gooing, cooing, babbling, squeals, yells, inflection by 9 months Holophrastic: One word means many things. Starts about 1 year. 40 to 50 words by 18 months, 300 words by 2 years. Telegraphic: Two or three word phrases (“Where go?” “More milk.” “No bath!” “Big boat.” “Mommy’s dress.”). From about 18 to 24 months. Stage II Grammar: Includes plurals, overgeneralizations. From about 2 to 3 years. Adult-like Speech: Starts at about 5 to 6 years.
Social Learning Theories: Language acquisition through imitation or modeling Reinforcement: The child is conditioned to perform verbal behavior. (B.F. Skinner, 1957) Innateness: We are “pre-wired” or “preprogrammed” to learn language through a language acquisition device (L.A.D.) in the brain. (Chomsky) Combined View: Includes predisposition and input from the environment, but the child plays an active, creative role in learning language. Perception, cognition, motor, social and emotional factors are all involved. Social Learning Theories: Language acquisition through imitation or modeling Reinforcement: The child is conditioned to perform verbal behavior. (B.F. Skinner, 1957) Innateness: We are “pre-wired” or “preprogrammed” to learn language through a language acquisition device (L.A.D.) in the brain. (Chomsky) Combined View: Includes predisposition and input from the environment, but the child plays an active, creative role in learning language. Perception, cognition, motor, social and emotional factors are all involved. Theories of Language Acquisition
Brain continues myelination process and formation of neuronal connections. Body proportions becoming more adult-like. Large and fine motor coordination are maturing. Brain continues myelination process and formation of neuronal connections. Body proportions becoming more adult-like. Large and fine motor coordination are maturing. Summary of Early Childhood Physical Development
Preoperational thinking, not yet logical, unable to see another’s viewpoint. Child has gone through “language explosion,” emerging with vocabulary of over 14,000 words, and syntactically correct usage. Preoperational thinking, not yet logical, unable to see another’s viewpoint. Child has gone through “language explosion,” emerging with vocabulary of over 14,000 words, and syntactically correct usage. Summary of Early Childhood Cognitive Development