CSC Endcap Muon Port Card and Muon Sorter Status Mikhail Matveev Rice University.


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Presentation transcript:

CSC Endcap Muon Port Card and Muon Sorter Status Mikhail Matveev Rice University

MPC Upgrade Requirements ■ Be able to deliver all 18 trigger primitives from the EMU peripheral crate to the upgraded Sector Processor ■ Preserve sorting capabilities of the Muon Port Card ■ Preserve 3 old 1.6Gbps optical links to the existing CSCTF 2US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

Upgrade Developments n Use existing Muon Port Card main board - TMB interface remains unchanged (2 LCTs per 80MHz) - 3 “old” optical links are still available n Original design (2004) was based on Xilinx Virtex-E XCV600E FPGA n New prototype (2012) is based on Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA - Inexpensive FPGA ($280 for the fastest speed grade XC6SLX150T-3FG900C device) - 8 embedded GTP serializers - 3.2Gbps/channel data rate - Modest power consumption (~1A Vccint; <1A GTPs) - Pluggable 12-channel optical transmitter 3US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

New Spartan-6 Mezzanine TopBottom Pluggable optical transmitter 4US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013 n Three MPC main boards are equipped with new mezzanines (Rice, UF, bld.904 – test stand for ME2/1)

Optical Transmitter n SNAP12 and Avago AFBR-810 are pluggable 12-channel devices n Both use the same 10x10 low profile circuit, but pin assignment is different (Avago is intended for higher data rate, needs 3.3V and 2.5V power) ■ uTCA MTF6 uses Avago AFBR-820 receiver, so the Avago AFBR-810 transmitter is our primary choice SNAP12 transmitterAvago AFBR-810 transmitter 5US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

Optical Tests at Rice, n Three MPC boards with the new mezzanines n SP10 prototype n Test software is available, various PRBS and random patterns n Random patterns from MPC FIFO to SP10 FIFO under slow VME control: 10K iterations (510 frames each); no errors, all boards n PRBS tests OK, BER< MPCSP10CCB 6US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

Measurements ■ Power consumption: - Spartan-6 FPGA ~1A Vccint (1.2V) ~0.15A Vccaux+Vcco (3.3V) ~ 0.8A GTPs (1.2V) - MPC (main board + Spartan-6 mezzanine) 3.3V ■ Latency: 7US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

Optical Fibers for P.5 ● Trunk cable with 4 connectorized cords (similar to one proposed for the DT upgrade). Each cord has 12 fibers. Need 36 cables for 60 peripheral crates, one spare cord per crate. ● Cable sample was successfully tested at UF in April 2013 ● Purchase order ($81.3K CHF) has been placed through CERN in April 2013, expected delivery in October Will be checked by CERN experts. Installation by a CERN team. 8US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

Irradiation Tests, April 2013 ■ EPROM was tested at TAMU cyclotron - Irradiated with 1 MeV equivalent fluence at ~10.5*10 12 equivalent to ~30kRad, or 30 years of LHC exposure in ME1/1 area - Device was read back; not a single bit change, as expected ■ Spartan-6 was irradiated at the UC Davis cyclotron - Cross section of SEU = 2.5x10 -9 cm 2, or 1 SEU in ~ 55 hours per device - Irradiated with ~100 kRad at a rate of 360 Rad/sec; the device survived and was functional XCF32P PROM Spartan-6 FPGA (rear side) 9US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

New MPC-to-SP Data Format ■ Proposal from Lev Uvarov, June 2013: - Preserve existing LCT format for all CSCs - Put CSCs 2-9 into fibers Split CSC 1 between fibers 1-8; 7 bits per each fiber ■ This idea has been recently implemented in the MPC firmware and tested internally (FIFO-to-FIFO transmission) How to squeeze 18 LCTs from 9 CSCs into 8 fibers at 3.2Gbps? 10US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

Preparations for Mass Production ■ Purchased 3 samples of optical pigtail from CERN. Ordered 80 more. ■ Purchased 80 optical couplers to be installed on the front panels ■ Fabricated 80 new front panels ■ Minor layout change in the optical transmitter board has been done. PCBs are being fabricated. ■ Need minor changes in the mezzanine design ■ Ordered critical parts for 80 boards (optical transmitters, FPGA). Estimated delivery is mid November. 11US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

MPC Near Future Plans ■ Need to set up a test stand at Rice: Track Finder VME crate (exists) - MPC, SP05, CCB, TTCvi/vx (all exist) New uTCA crate (exists) - controller, AMC13 card, MTF6 Software to run uTCA ■ Will need similar test stand in bld.904 at CERN by summer US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013

Muon Sorter Upgrade ■ Upgraded mezzanine board with Virtex-5 XC5VLX110T-2FF1136C FPGA - Fully compatible with the existing main board (3.3V logic levels, 640 I/O) - 16 embedded GTP links, up to 3.75Gbps data rate - One muon fits one GTP link at 3.2Gbps ■ Optical transmitter to the interim calorimeter trigger (4 muons) - Optical standard (SNAP12, QSFP, Avago AFBR-820/810…)? - Data rate and format? - Any other optical links (uTCA GMT…)? ■ Schedule and tests (when and where?) 13US CMS Endcap Muon Meeting, TAMU 30 September - 1 October 2013