Entrance to Accounting Career Thanh Vo
How I got my internship Company’s background Assignments Relevant accounting courses Benefits of an internship
Process of getting internship Dr. Peden Company listing Public, private, governmental, non-profit Career center sign up Resume’ Interview Track—Time slot
Interviews Second interview Thank-you letters Process of getting internship
Interviews Research Services, industries Seeking values-Careers Location Vision, Mission, About us Be prepared to ask questions “What you see is what you get.”
Second Interview Rank the companies In-house Ask questions Met a partner, & a manager Had lunch with a senior & a staff
Received the offer after lunch Responded to the offer
Kieckhafer Schiffer & Company, LLP Offices: Irvine, Portland, San Diego Partners & managers background Traditional services: –T–Tax & auditing –B–Bookkeeping –C–Consulting Clients: High net worth individuals Mid-market companies—Sales $5-150 millions Paperless
Assignments Training—8 hours/day for a week File tax returns »Corporation »S-Corporation »Partnership »Trust »Individual Assemble tax returns
File tax return Assignment: assigned, manager, senior Workpaper »Trial balance »Balance sheet »Income statement »AJEs »M-1, M-2 »Verify ES payments Reference workpaper
Dynalink workpaper to Tax Prep Clear diagnostics Prepare preparer’s review points Scan all documents in Engagement File tax return
Forward it to senior or manager Clear review points »Communication »Learning new things Assemble tax return File tax return
Relevant accounting courses ACC 431 Financial accounting: –Debit/Credit => increase/decrease –AJEs Projects: –Real world cases: Ritz-Carlton –Team work: handle team members –Time management: priority of assignments
Benefits Real-world experience Test the water –Like the company? –Like the profession? Entrance to a career –Full-time offer –Put on resumé
Be prepared –Interviews –Options –Changes in lifestyle Attitude –Willing to learn –Positive –Professional Last thoughts…
How I got my internship Company’s background Assignments Relevant accounting courses Benefits of internship Questions?Questions?