Match the German to the English. Who said the following. Fill-in the same.
Write a sentence about where you have been. 4) Fill the gaps with the correct form of “sein” 5a) Fill the gaps with the correct past participle. 5b) Put the pics into sentences. Translate the following 4 sentences.
Match the pics to the text. Put the pics into past tense sentences e.g. a) Letztes Jahr sind wir nach Italien gefahren. Where did they go in Summer? Answer in full German sentences. Put the pics into sentences. Your turn. Write where you went in Summer. Use the example below.
Find the correct answer Unjumble to find the country/continent
Ex 1) Translate the 3 texts. Ex 2) Put the pics into full sentences. Ex 3) Translate the letter. Ex 4) Write the correct past participle. Ex 5) Fill the gap with the correct form of “haben” or “sein.”
Unjumble the sentences Fill the gaps with the past participle from the box. gegangen Put the pics into German sentences. Match the sentence halves.
Fill the gaps. Use the postcard above & the pics to answer 1~8 in German. nach Deutschland geflogen. Match the text to the pics. Use the texts to write about what you did on holiday
Say what you did on holiday : Use connectives (remember, verb 2 nd.) Say your opinion
Ex 1) Put the pics into sentences war e.g In Deutschland war es sonnig. Ex5) Put the pics into full sentences. Say where you were & describe the weather. Ex 4) Underline the perfect tense sentences
Put the pics into full German sentences. Use the example & say : A)Where you were B)What the weather was like Look at the map ~ are the statements true or false? Write or X and correct the false sentences. Your turn. Write what you did in the Summer. Example Word snake. find the 4 correct sentences. Match the text to the pics. Es war sehr schlecht.
Ex 1) Match the text to the pics. Put pics into full sentences. Describe the weather Say : a)what it was like b)what it wasn’t like
Say how you travelled to your destination. Say what you did on the journey. Find the correct picture then fill-in the gaps. Put the pics into sentences describing the journey. Use the example to help.
Match the pics to the texts. Where did Sven stay? Write 2 sentences. Use the example & say where he stayed & his opinion of it. Your turn. Say where you stayed & what it was like.
Crossword ~ accommodation Match-up Write about the accommodation you stayed in. Say : a)what type it was b)Where it was (e.g in the town centre?) c)describe it d)give an opinion of it
What do Germans like to do on holiday? Match the text to the pics. Do the quiz ~ what holiday type are you ? Use the example & writing frame below to answer the questions.
Match the text to the pics. Read the blog. Was Leah’s stay in Berlin positive or negative? Reread the blog & choose the correct answer. Choose a city you have visited and answer the questions.
Match the text to the pics. Reread ~ which 4 sentences are correct ? 3 groups travelled from Ulm to Dinkelscherben. Which was the best journey ? Reread the texts & answer the questions in English. Use the texts to answer the following questions about a journey you have been on.
Use this & the work in the booklet to write 10 sentences about a holiday you have been on. Does not have to be true, just has to be German. Saying where & how you went, who you went with, how long you went for, where you stayed. Saying what you did Describing the weather