Class 9: Icy Moons and Space Junk. Today’s topics: Galilean moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto Saturn’s moon: Titan Class Updates Reading: 23.4-23.5,


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Presentation transcript:

Class 9: Icy Moons and Space Junk

Today’s topics: Galilean moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto Saturn’s moon: Titan Class Updates Reading: , 23.7 Homework 4 assigned, due next Monday Midterm next Monday, April 18th Midterm review material posted on website Class 9: Icy Moons and Space Junk Asteroids Meteor-stuff Comets

Moon Size Compariso n. Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Titan Triton Charon

Jovian Moons = Galilean Moons

Orbit Diameter Mass Density (days) (Moon = 1) (Moon=1)(g/cm 3 ) Io Europa Ganymede Callisto Jovian Moon Comparison

Exploration Galileo’s notes Voyager 1 Galileo spacecraft

Internal Structure

Tidal Heating


Tides on Io

Plumes on Io: How?

Volcanism & Impact Craters on Io


Brittle Surface Ice Europa’s Subsurface Ocean? Liquid? Brittle Surface Ice Warm, Convecting Ice?

Evidence for Europa’s Subsurface Ocean

Europa’s Surface Features Ridges Spots Icebergs Craters Bright Bands


Ganymede’s Grooved Surface

Ganymede’s Magnetic Field: (Geologically Alive?)


Callisto: Geologically Dead

Callisto’s Icy, Cratered Surface

How many? Saturn’s Moons most geologically dead cracks: Tethys, Mimas few craters: Enceladus TITAN?? New moon: S/2004S2 8/16/04 Cassini 48 total (15 major) km (Titan) inside/outside rings icy (small amounts of rock) How large? Where? Composition? Activity?


Titan’s Atmosphere

Probe descent: January 14, 2005 Huygens Probe Descent Titan

~10 km Huygens Probe on Titan Landing site

Titan’s Surface

Asteroids Ida Gaspra Mathilde

Asteroid Locations

NEAs This Week Size > 1 km = globally destructive

A Bad Day…. 65 Million Years Ago Chicxulub

Asteroid Shapes & Sizes Mars

Asteroid Distances

Mini Moons of Asteroids small moon (1.5 km) Ida (100 km)

Asteroid Mission: NEAR Eros gravity close-up image

Upcoming Mission: DAWN Ceres Vesta


Peekskill, NY August 1992 Incoming Debris


Meteor Showers Leonids, 11/2001Perseids, 8/2004

Earth’s largest meteorite….thus far Hoba Meteorite Namibia tons

Moon (meteor showers only) Mars Asteroid Vesta Origins & Ages of Meteors

Stony-Iron (2% falls, 8% finds) – asteroid core/mantle? Compositions (glassy beads, grains)(carbon, volatiles) Stones (92% falls, 26% finds) – rocky material (silicates) – ancient solar system – Carbonaceous chondrites Irons (6% falls, 66% finds) – like Earth core (melting) – debris asteroid core?

Bill Cassidy Where are meteorites found?

Meteor Crater Northern Arizona

Wolfe Creek, Australia Manicouagan, Quebec, Canada Clearwater Lakes, Quebec, Canada Gosses Bluff, Nor. Territory, Australia More Terrestrial Craters

Donahue meteorite Peekskil Chevy Human strike: Annie Hodges; Sylacauga, AL; bruised; 11/30/54 Animal strike: Dog; Nakhla, Egypt; 6/24/11 Structures: Donahue home; Wethersfield, CT; 11/8/82 Chevrolet; Peekskil, NY; 8/9/92 Hits & Misses

Comets May 7, 2004

Anatomy of a Comet Head Tail Gas Tail Comet West

nucleus Nucleus: Comet Head nucleus surface coma

Comet Tails

Comet Tails & the Sun

Where do comets originate? (I) Sedna Halley’s Comet

Where do comets originate? (II) Comet Hyakatuke Comet Hale Bopp

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9