Jesus said “I will build my Church”
Matthew 16:13-18 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it. Jesus said “I will build my church”
1. The builder starts with a plan. 2. The builder gathers materials. 3. The builder prepares his materials. 4. The builder places the materials together correctly.
1. The builder starts with a plan. The Lord wants to build an habitation for His presence, which He can fill with His glory. This amazing place is called in Scripture "My church". Not bricks and mortar but you and me. Jesus said “I will build my church”
2. The builder gathers materials. In the Old Testament stocks of limestone were hewn from local rock to build the Temple of the Lord. In the new temple God uses "living stones“. Every believer is called to be part of the building, for we are the "temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Corinthians 3:16). Jesus said “I will build my church”
As the Temple builders cut away blocks of stone from the local limestone bedrock, so today the Lord separates people to Himself from each nation. There is a calling out and a cutting away process that happens when a person converts. When the Lord calls a person, his purpose changes. Jesus said “I will build my church”
In Matthew 16:18 the words "this rock" does not refer to Peter but rather to the revelation that Peter had that Jesus is the son of God. When you have revelation of the person and plan of God you become a rock that Christ can build with. Jesus said “I will build my church”
3. The builder prepares his materials The materials must be of the right quality. At inception, the stones that the Lord chooses are not fit for His purposes. Salvation needs to affect every part of our lives. As we go through the transformation process God prepares and equips us for use for the Master. Jesus said “I will build my church”
Through the process of transformation Jesus turns the common into the precious. Charcoal, whilst a common element, is transformed into a diamond through the use of extreme heat and high pressure. In the same way, the Lord transforms His people through the fire of the Holy Spirit and the pressure of the tests and trials that He allows us to face. Jesus said “I will build my church”
This happens when a single grain of sand enters an oyster; the oyster secretes a substance around the sand that, over time, forms a pearl. In this way, a common, ordinary piece of sand is transformed into a precious pearl. Jesus said “I will build my church”
There is good news for those of us who start out like Peter, the fisherman from Galilee, with all his imperfections, brashness, lack of insight and fears. The good news is that he doesn’t finish like that but through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit he is changed to become a pearl used by God. Jesus said “I will build my church”
4. The builder places the materials together correctly. Building sites are messy and ugly environments. Why? Because the materials have yet to be put in the right positions. Until a stone is in its place it is not fulfilling its purpose. The building remains a pile of bricks until each one is connected and fulfilling its place in the building. Jesus said “I will build my church”
So many Christians are like a brick in a pile! They may be a beautiful brick because they have now been transformed, but they never fulfil their prophetic purpose because they are not part of the building. They are part of the Church in name but not in practice. When you put a building block in a wall, it will rest upon those below and then support those above it. In this way a wall is built. So too the Church! Jesus said “I will build my church”
The Church is God’s glorious, eternal desire. He wants to dwell in us and work through us. Are you in, or are you out? 1. Are you part of God’s glorious Church? 2. Are you playing your part in building Christ’s wonderful church in this locality? For both questions you can make it your decision to say ‘yes’ today. Jesus said “I will build my church”