St.Thomas the Apostle known for his incredulity, but after his experience of the Risen Saviour exclaimed “My Lord and my God”. He sowed the seed.


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Presentation transcript:

St.Thomas the Apostle known for his incredulity, but after his experience of the Risen Saviour exclaimed “My Lord and my God”. He sowed the seed of FAITH in India in the first century amidst struggles of the journey, culture of the people, the language and finally in this unknown country he died a martyr In 72 AD. His task was that of EVANGELIZATION St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit came from Spain via Lisboa to Goa, Portuguese India in A zealous missionary had the task of RE-EVANGELIZATION- People had lost their faith. He sowed the seeds of the PRINCIPLES OF FAITH, settled cases of immorality and went out to the children and servants first and later to higher classes. He won them by being sensible, humane and tactful. Our first Six Missionaries came to Tanjore, India on 22 nd November An unknown land, with only the language of love and compassion. It was a different World - multi cultural, multi linguistic, multi religious and a hot climate.The villagers suffered due to poverty, sickness and lacked literacy. The sisters sowed seeds of FAITH with the fire of the DA MIHI ANIMAS

Today in their footsteps, we continue to sow seeds of FAITH In Community: there are differences of climate, culture, language, Mentality and generation gaps, We are challenged and we have found our spirit of faith Rather weak, superficial and lacking depth, In our Mission: There exist careerism and the search for power – signs of spiritual worldliness. We need to beware of the NGO kind of attitude and rapport and put on Christ To speak about Jesus without fear The influence of Media has made life materialistic and consumerist. THIS CALLS FOR RE EVANGELIZATION and TO BE CREDIBILE WITNESSES OF JESUS, POOR, COMPASSIONATE AND LOVING.

Tomorrow we will take the fruits of Christianity with its roots, or else the fruits will wither. and they will not come again unless we nurture the roots. We have to Evangelize “to preach the gospel and encourage conversion to the heart and mind of Jesus." Foster enthusiasm for the faith,Gospel values and promote human dignity We have to Re- evangelize because many today have been dechristianized considering changes taking place in family life, marriages, respect for life, honesty and politics 1- we must understand the Catholic Faith, to live It faithfully, 2-to pray our Faith by a growing union with God, 3- to share our Faith by personal – conversation and active evangelization; and 4- finally and crucially to suffer for the Faith by uniting our trials – physical and spiritual – in union with Christ for the conversion of sinners and the extension of Christ’s kingdom. We need to practice New Evangelization searching new ways, walking new paths witnessing Jesus in His goodness and love for the poor by loving ASSISTANCE making Apostles of the young.